Bibliographic citations
Reategui, J., Trigoso, A. (2020). La diferencia de edad del adoptante no debe restringir el derecho del menor a ser adoptado Iquitos 2019 [Tesis, Universidad Científica del Perú].
Reategui, J., Trigoso, A. La diferencia de edad del adoptante no debe restringir el derecho del menor a ser adoptado Iquitos 2019 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Científica del Perú; 2020.
title = "La diferencia de edad del adoptante no debe restringir el derecho del menor a ser adoptado Iquitos 2019",
author = "Trigoso Rodriguez, Alondra Gessabel",
publisher = "Universidad Científica del Perú",
year = "2020"
In what way does the age difference of the adopter limit the child's right to adopt, so that he can have a family Iquitos 2019? And the objective was: To determine how the age difference of the adopter limits the child's right to adopt, so that he can have a family Iquitos 2019. The technique used in the writing of the data was the interview, the survey and the instrument was the questionnaire. The population was made up of the 03 Maynas family courts and the sample was made up of 132 professionals, including judges, prosecutors and lawyers. The design that was used was the non-experimental, cross-correlational type. For the statistical analysis, descriptive statistics were used to study the variables independently and to demonstrate the hypotheses, non-parametric chi-square (x2) inferential statistics were used. The results indicated that the difference in adopting age required as a requirement of numeral 2 of article 378 of the Civil Code violates the right of the minor adolescent child to have a family Iquitos 2019.
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