Bibliographic citations
Flores, J., Ramírez, J. (2021). Evaluación de la dominancia lateral en estudiantes de nivel primario de la I.E.P.M. 601581 Corazón de Jesús del distrito de San Juan Bautista, Iquitos 2019 [Tesis, Universidad Científica del Perú].
Flores, J., Ramírez, J. Evaluación de la dominancia lateral en estudiantes de nivel primario de la I.E.P.M. 601581 Corazón de Jesús del distrito de San Juan Bautista, Iquitos 2019 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Científica del Perú; 2021.
title = "Evaluación de la dominancia lateral en estudiantes de nivel primario de la I.E.P.M. 601581 Corazón de Jesús del distrito de San Juan Bautista, Iquitos 2019",
author = "Ramírez Reyes, Junior Alfredo",
publisher = "Universidad Científica del Perú",
year = "2021"
This research aimed to determine lateral dominance in primary-level students of the I.E.P.M. 601581 "Corazón de Jesus" of the district of San Juan Bautista, Iquitos 2019, Methodology: It is considered the research of type of population studies, descriptive, non-correlal which did not require hypothesis, has a non-experimental-observational research design of cross-cutting, has a non-probabilistic sampling for convenience, made up of all students from 6 to 8 years of age of both sexes, With 193 participants, the Harris Lateral Dominance Test being applied to, this instrument consisting of four dimensions: domination of the hand, foot, ear and eye; the collected information was entered into a database created with SPS 22.0 software, the following results were obtained: in relation to sociodemographic characteristics the female sex with 54.40% and the 7-year-old group with 34.72% are in higher percentage, compared to lateral dominance 50.26% of students have poorly stated laterality; being the male sex and the 6-year-old group with the highest predominance; in hand domination 60.62% of students have right-handed lateral dominance, in the domination of the foot 57.51% of the participants present cross laterality, in the dominance of the eye 50.79% of the participants have right lateral dominance, in the dominance of the ear 46.11% of the participants have poorly affirmed lateral dominance.
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