Bibliographic citations
Marin, S., (2022). Propuesta de diseño del centro comercial: “Mall Plaza Amazon Tropic”, distrito de Iquitos – provincia de Maynas – región – Loreto, 2021”. [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional, Universidad Científica del Perú].
Marin, S., Propuesta de diseño del centro comercial: “Mall Plaza Amazon Tropic”, distrito de Iquitos – provincia de Maynas – región – Loreto, 2021”. [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional]. PE: Universidad Científica del Perú; 2022.
title = "Propuesta de diseño del centro comercial: “Mall Plaza Amazon Tropic”, distrito de Iquitos – provincia de Maynas – región – Loreto, 2021”.",
author = "Marin Saavedra, Sleyter",
publisher = "Universidad Científica del Perú",
year = "2022"
This Professional Sufficiency Work "Amazon Tropic Mall Mall" is inserted within the Sustainable Architecture Research Line of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the Scientific University of Peru - UCP and is aimed at developing the proposed architectural design of the Mall “Mall Plaza Amazon Tropic”, Iquitos city - Iquitos district, Maynas province, Loreto region. It seeks to bring closer and cover the needs of consumer goods for the home and people, fosters family and social gatherings in the urban sector where it is located, generating the conditions for the revitalization and consolidation of a new commercial node that deconcentrate the activity commercial area so saturated in the center of the city, enabling complementary activities in the area and increasing the tariff value of the properties. It was developed in six (06) chapters, which allowed to focus the work and arrive at the architectural design proposal.
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