Bibliographic citations
Tafur, C., Reátegui, N. (2022). La inversión extranjera directa en tiempos de covid, localización en la región loreto, periodo 2019 – 2020 [Tesis, Universidad Cientìfica del Perù].
Tafur, C., Reátegui, N. La inversión extranjera directa en tiempos de covid, localización en la región loreto, periodo 2019 – 2020 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Cientìfica del Perù; 2022.
title = "La inversión extranjera directa en tiempos de covid, localización en la región loreto, periodo 2019 – 2020",
author = "Reátegui Del Águila, Natalia Andreina",
publisher = "Universidad Cientìfica del Perù",
year = "2022"
Regarding the inflow of capital by direct foreign investment, it is showing a slight growth of 4.91%, which indicates that Peru continues to be attractive for foreign companies to settle in it. Regarding the economic sectors to which this foreign investment arrives, mining and communication show growth. Regarding the countries that invest in Peru, the capitals mostly come from the United Kingdom, Spain and Chile; these three countries together represent almost 50% of the total capital that has arrived in the country. The United Kingdom has a high concentration of its resources in mining; different is Spain who has concentrated its resources in the communications sector. Chile has concentrated its resources in the communications and finance sectors. Regarding the perception that the professionals of the city of Iquitos have, they point out that the foreign investment that has arrived in the Loreto region is located in the oil activity, communications companies and in the financial sector. Likewise, they point out the main benefits generated by foreign investment, such as the generation of jobs, highly qualified and with very good remuneration. For what has been said, a foreign company that is located in a region moves other economies.
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