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Arévalo, J., Mendoza, V. (2021). Análisis del turismo accesible para personas con discapacidad motriz en Iquitos 2019 [Tesis, Universidad Científica del Perú].
Arévalo, J., Mendoza, V. Análisis del turismo accesible para personas con discapacidad motriz en Iquitos 2019 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Científica del Perú; 2021.
title = "Análisis del turismo accesible para personas con discapacidad motriz en Iquitos 2019",
author = "Mendoza Morales, Valeria",
publisher = "Universidad Científica del Perú",
year = "2021"
Title: Análisis del turismo accesible para personas con discapacidad motriz en Iquitos 2019
Authors(s): Arévalo Díaz, Julie Juliette; Mendoza Morales, Valeria
Advisor(s): Santander Brunett, Carlos Enrique
Keywords: Accesibilidad; Turismo accesible; Discapacitados; Accessibility; Accessible tourism; Disabled
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 15-Apr-2021
Institution: Universidad Científica del Perú
Abstract: El turismo, es uno de los sectores que, en los últimos años, ha crecido
exponencialmente en el mundo, el país es considerado como destino turístico:
turismo histórico cultural que contiene a Machu Picchu como patrimonio de la
humanidad, la maravilla natural que es el río amazonas y sus bosques, y
primer destino gastronómico en el mundo.
Un segmento que ha ido creciendo proporcionalmente también es el
turismo, para las personas con discapacidad por ello la presente investigación,
con el propósito objeto de verificar las facilidades de acceso, y el servicio
básico para personas con discapacidad que brindan los hoteles y restaurantes
turísticos de la ciudad de Iquitos, y que le permita aprovechar la expansión de
este sector turístico.
Se obtuvo como resultado que en cuanto a rampas de acceso, se
constató que 60% de los hoteles turísticos si las tienen, mientras que un 40%
no , por el contrario en lo que se refiere a los servicios higiénicos, y ascensor,
aun cuando son edificaciones de más de tres pisos; en lo que se refiere a los
restaurantes, en forma similar, no cuentan con rampas un 60%, pero si cuentan
con servicios higiénicos para las personas con discapacidad, en cuanto a la
señalética los hoteles cumplen en un 80%, y los restaurantes en un 50%.
Es necesario homogenizar las condiciones, de infraestructuras básicas
y de servicios para poder brindar la atención adecuada al turismo de personas
con discapacidad motriz.
Tourism is one of the sectors that in recent years has grown exponentially in the world, the country is considered a tourist destination: historical cultural tourism that contains Machu Picchu as a world heritage site, the natural wonder that is the river Amazonas and its forests, and the first gastronomic destination in the world. A segment that has been growing proportionally is also tourism, for people with disabilities, therefore this research, with the purpose of verifying the access facilities, and the basic service for people with disabilities that the hotels and tourist restaurants of the city of Iquitos, and that allows you to take advantage of the expansion of this tourism sector. It was obtained as a result that in terms of access ramps, it was found that 60% of tourist hotels do have them, while 40% do not, on the contrary with regard to hygienic services, and lift, even when They are buildings of more than three floors; Regarding restaurants, in a similar way, 60% do not have ramps, but if they have hygienic services for people with disabilities, in terms of signage, hotels comply with 80%, and restaurants in 50%. It is necessary to homogenize the conditions, basic infrastructure and services in order to provide adequate attention to tourism for people with motor disabilities.
Tourism is one of the sectors that in recent years has grown exponentially in the world, the country is considered a tourist destination: historical cultural tourism that contains Machu Picchu as a world heritage site, the natural wonder that is the river Amazonas and its forests, and the first gastronomic destination in the world. A segment that has been growing proportionally is also tourism, for people with disabilities, therefore this research, with the purpose of verifying the access facilities, and the basic service for people with disabilities that the hotels and tourist restaurants of the city of Iquitos, and that allows you to take advantage of the expansion of this tourism sector. It was obtained as a result that in terms of access ramps, it was found that 60% of tourist hotels do have them, while 40% do not, on the contrary with regard to hygienic services, and lift, even when They are buildings of more than three floors; Regarding restaurants, in a similar way, 60% do not have ramps, but if they have hygienic services for people with disabilities, in terms of signage, hotels comply with 80%, and restaurants in 50%. It is necessary to homogenize the conditions, basic infrastructure and services in order to provide adequate attention to tourism for people with motor disabilities.
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Discipline: Turismo y Hotelería
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Científica del Perú. Facultad de Negocios
Grade or title: Licenciada en Turismo y Hotelería
Juror: Pérez Santillán, Jorge; Castillo Ichuta, Félix; Aguilar Ramírez, Dionicio
Register date: 1-Apr-2022
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