Bibliographic citations
Gonzáles, C., (2021). Factores de riesgo asociados a la anemia en puérperas inmediatas C.S Morona Cocha de enero a marzo 2021- Iquitos [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional, Universidad Científica del Perú].
Gonzáles, C., Factores de riesgo asociados a la anemia en puérperas inmediatas C.S Morona Cocha de enero a marzo 2021- Iquitos [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional]. PE: Universidad Científica del Perú; 2021.
title = "Factores de riesgo asociados a la anemia en puérperas inmediatas C.S Morona Cocha de enero a marzo 2021- Iquitos",
author = "Gonzáles Paredes, Christina",
publisher = "Universidad Científica del Perú",
year = "2021"
During the first days after delivery, the mother feels exhausted, not only due to physical recovery but also due to the changes to which she must adapt: the schedules, the feeding and the baby's care, as well as the nights without sleep. Despite this, frequent exhaustion is one of the alerts of the body, it warns of the presence of anemia. To this condition are added others, such as pale skin or a specific paleness under the tongue and in the eyes (which is easier to identify by a specialist), infections especially in the urinary tract, as well as heart rates elevated. Anemia usually occurs among women after childbirth, but in most cases it is cured in a few days, and only under some conditions will it be a complex disease. In the postpartum period, the most common anemia is iron deficiency, which occurs due to a lack of iron and must be treated immediately. Objective: To determine the risk factors associated with anemia in immediate puerperal women in C.S Morona Cocha from January to March 2021 –Iquitos. Methodology: The present study was of a non-experimental type with a retrospective correlational descriptive design. The population was made up of 91 immediate puerperal women who were treated at C.S Morona Cocha from January to March 2021-Iquitos. Results: 59.21% of pregnant women had the ages of 20 to 30 years of age, 55.26%, attended the secondary level, 69.74% were from urban areas. 48.35% puerperal women were primiparous, 94.50% were pregnant at term, 83.52% had bleeding loss during the labor process, from 100 to 150 cc. , 52.77% were admitted before delivery with 11 to 11.9 g / dl. Of Hb, while 45.05%, discharged in the immediate postpartum with 11 to 11.6 g / dl of Hb. xii 52.74% puerperal women presented tears, 20.97% had a short intergenetic period, 6.57% were in the second stage, 3.2% had episiorrhaphy dehiscence. : Of 59.34% puerperal women attended in eutocal deliveries: 38.46% had tears, and had the ages of 20 to 30 years, showing that the risk factor for anemia is between 20 to 30 years of age. Of 75.82% puerperal women attended in eutocal deliveries: 30.76% had a short intergenetic period and had a degree of secondary education, showing that the risk factor for anemia is those with a degree of secondary education. Of 96.70% of puerperal women attended in eutocal deliveries: 37.36% had a short intergenetic period and were of urban origin, showing that the risk factor for anemia are those that come from urban areas. With all this, it was shown that there is a significant relationship between sociodemographic variables. Of 48.75% puerperal women attended in eutocal deliveries: 35.53% had a short intergenetic period and were primiparous while 23.68% had a short intergenetic period and were multi-pregnant. Demonstrating that the risk factor for anemia are primiparas, and that there is a significant relationship between obstetric variables. Conclusions: It is concluded that there are risk factors for the possibility of anemia in immediate puerperal women such as: tears, short intergenetic period, expulsive period and episiorrhaphy dehiscence, existing a significant relationship between these variables.
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