Citas bibligráficas
Jucos, S., Gomez, C. (2021). Análisis del comportamiento del aditivo retardante en el concreto y su influencia en la mejora de la trabajabilidad, en la ciudad de Yurimaguas – Alto Amazonas – Loreto [Tesis, Universidad Científica del Perú].
Jucos, S., Gomez, C. Análisis del comportamiento del aditivo retardante en el concreto y su influencia en la mejora de la trabajabilidad, en la ciudad de Yurimaguas – Alto Amazonas – Loreto [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Científica del Perú; 2021.
title = "Análisis del comportamiento del aditivo retardante en el concreto y su influencia en la mejora de la trabajabilidad, en la ciudad de Yurimaguas – Alto Amazonas – Loreto",
author = "Gomez Ushiñahua, Carlos Marino",
publisher = "Universidad Científica del Perú",
year = "2021"
This research was based on the analysis of the behavior of the retardant admixture in concrete to increase the setting time, because of improving its workability, in the city of Yurimaguas - Alto Amazonas - Loreto. Its general objective was to analyze the behavior of the retardant additive in the initial process of setting concrete in the city of Yurimaguas. In the city of Yurimaguas, the annual average temperature is 25.90 ° C, the minimum temperature is 15.2 ° C and the maximum is 38.2 ° C. Therefore, the present study was carried out, whose research problem is reflected with the following question: How does the setting retarder additive retardant influence the strength and setting time of concrete for its better workability? This research had as general objectives, to determine the influence of the additive retardant in the physical behavior and in the resistance to compression at different ages of the concrete with f´c = 210 kg / cm2, and its specific objectives were: Study of physical properties and aggregate mechanic; determine the influence of the additive retardant on the setting time of concrete; determine the influence of the additive retardant on the temperature of the concrete, unit weight in the fresh and hardened state, with respect to the standard concrete, determine and compare the results of the compressive strength tests, of the standard concrete and the concrete with Additive retardant, the comparative analysis of concrete strength measurement methods with retardant admixture. This thesis is based on antecedents such as national and international sources, standards, books related to the subject to have a greater focus on our subject. At present it is known that the loss of workability of concrete involves a series of problems that, on many occasions, are solved empirically, such as the addition of excess water, to improve this, water-reducing plasticizer additives are used, to improve the manageability and easier installation of fresh concrete. This research was done to determine the optimal percentages of the plasticizer additives of each brand, with respect to the increase in compressive strength, settlement and unit weight of concrete. The use of additives was carried out considering the ASTM C494, ASTM C125 regulations and the technical data sheets of each brand. Said investigation specifically in a roof emptying in a building located at Jr. Atanasio Jauregui Nº850. There was a control sample without additive and an experimental group with retarding additive, obtaining results of greater resistance to compression in the experimental group, showing that the additive does improve workability.
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