Bibliographic citations
Padilla, I., Tello, M. (2024). Habilidades comunicativas en estudiantes del 1° grado de secundaria de la I.E.S.R.E. El Milagro Iquitos – 2020 [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional, Universidad Científica del Perú].
Padilla, I., Tello, M. Habilidades comunicativas en estudiantes del 1° grado de secundaria de la I.E.S.R.E. El Milagro Iquitos – 2020 [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional]. PE: Universidad Científica del Perú; 2024.
title = "Habilidades comunicativas en estudiantes del 1° grado de secundaria de la I.E.S.R.E. El Milagro Iquitos – 2020",
author = "Tello Ríos, Margarita",
publisher = "Universidad Científica del Perú",
year = "2024"
The objective of this research was: To determine the level of Communication skills in 1st Grade Secondary Students of The I.E.S.R.E. The Miracle Iquitos-2020. The research was descriptive. The general design of the Research was non-experimental and the specific design was descriptive cross-sectional. The population was delimited by all 1st Grade Students A, B and C Secondary Grade of the I.E.S.R.E. The Miracle Iquitos-2020 that make a total of 42. The sample was made up of all the 1st Grade A Secondary Students of The I.E.S.R.E. El Milagro Iquitos-2020, which make a total of 42. Sample selection was intentional non-random. The technique used in the data collection was the survey and the data collection instrument was the questionnaire. The results show that the level of Communication Skills is Regular for 1st Grade Secondary Students of The I.E.S.R.E. The Miracle Iquitos-2020.
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