Bibliographic citations
Leonardo, D., Vela, T. (2019). Efectos del cemento portland como estabilizante de subrasante de suelo arenoso de la calle Avianca – San Juan Bautista – Iquitos 2019 [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional, Universidad Científica del Perú].
Leonardo, D., Vela, T. Efectos del cemento portland como estabilizante de subrasante de suelo arenoso de la calle Avianca – San Juan Bautista – Iquitos 2019 [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional]. PE: Universidad Científica del Perú; 2019.
title = "Efectos del cemento portland como estabilizante de subrasante de suelo arenoso de la calle Avianca – San Juan Bautista – Iquitos 2019",
author = "Vela Paredes, Teylor Eduwar",
publisher = "Universidad Científica del Perú",
year = "2019"
This research performed with the purpose of evaluate the effects of portland cement type I in a granular soil to improve the physical and mechanical properties of Avianca street's subgrade, the cement proportions were 3, 5 and 7% of soil weight. Moisture content tests, granulometric analysis, modified proctor and CBR were performed to evaluate the additive's effects on the optimum moisture content (OCH), maximum dry density (MDS) and CBR index. The classification was A-2-4 (0) according to AASHTO and SM according to SUCS. The soil hasn't plasticity index because is a no-plastic soil. The natural OCH was 11.57%, adding up to 7% cement decreased to 8.78%. The natural MDS reached 1,821 gr/cm3 and by adding up to 7% cement the MDS increased to 1,977 gr/cm3. The natural CBR index was 33% to 95% MDS, that changed notably to 322% adding up to 7% cement. Increasing the proportions of cement the effects are notable, obtaining an appropriate natural state CBR index (33%) that corresponds to an excellent subgrade soil according to MTC (2014).
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