Bibliographic citations
Sernaqué, H., Nuñez, J. (2022). Modelo de aplicación tecnológica para la estabilización de taludes en la cámara de bombeo pluvial Nº01 del hospital II-2 Cesar Garayar García, Iquitos 2021 [Tesis, Universidad Científica del Perú].
Sernaqué, H., Nuñez, J. Modelo de aplicación tecnológica para la estabilización de taludes en la cámara de bombeo pluvial Nº01 del hospital II-2 Cesar Garayar García, Iquitos 2021 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Científica del Perú; 2022.
title = "Modelo de aplicación tecnológica para la estabilización de taludes en la cámara de bombeo pluvial Nº01 del hospital II-2 Cesar Garayar García, Iquitos 2021",
author = "Nuñez Vargas, Joyce Llolaos",
publisher = "Universidad Científica del Perú",
year = "2022"
The following study made it possible to develop a model of technological application to stabilize the slopes generated at starting time the construction of the rain pumping chamber N° 01 of Hospital II-2 Cesar Garayar García-Iquitos, the existence of a potential failure caused the work that had been carried out to be suspended until stability of the slopes was guaranteed. In order to achieve this objective, a visual inspection was initially carried out, later the safety factor of the slopes in their natural state was calculated. Using as geotechnical data the properties of the foundation soil obtained through the SPT tests. The calculation of the safety factor was obtained using the method of segments with established infiltration, this due to the fact that in the study area there are tropical soils, three possible fault planes were analyzed, resulting in safety factors of less than 1.00 lo that according to the norm indicates slope instability and that it is incipient to failure, the study samples were subsequently evaluated but this time considering the proposed model that consists of stabilizing the slopes using structural steel piles and metal mesh, obtaining factors as results of security greater than 4.00 that indicate stability in the slopes, being values accepted according to norm. In addition, according to the feasibility study prepared in this work, we have an economic feasibility of 36.02% using the model proposed in the project. This percentage of profitability exceeds the other conventional alternatives, so from this perspective the model is feasible.
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