Bibliographic citations
Morales, C., Talledo, M. (2021). Propuesta de sistema web – móvil para la geolocalización de casos de dengue en el distrito de pinto recodo – 2021 [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional, Universidad Científica del Perú].
Morales, C., Talledo, M. Propuesta de sistema web – móvil para la geolocalización de casos de dengue en el distrito de pinto recodo – 2021 [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional]. PE: Universidad Científica del Perú; 2021.
title = "Propuesta de sistema web – móvil para la geolocalización de casos de dengue en el distrito de pinto recodo – 2021",
author = "Talledo Chacón, Mercy Cassandra",
publisher = "Universidad Científica del Perú",
year = "2021"
In this research, the main problem is the exponential increase in dengue cases, and the neglect by health authorities, since logistics is focused on COVID-19, for which the following objective is proposed general: Propose a Web - Mobile system at an analysis level, for the geolocation of dengue cases in the Pinto Recodo district - 2021. It has an explanatory scope and a pre-experimental design. The research population will be made up of the inhabitants of the Pinto Recodo district, which, according to the INEI as of December 31, 2020, are a total of 9134, and a sample of 40 families from different urban areas of the Pinto Recodo district. Documentary review and observation were used as a technique, and medical records and an observation guide were used as instruments. Regarding the results, the following were obtained: Of the 40 families surveyed, 15% indicate that they do have a family member with dengue, and 85% indicate that they do not; 22.5% indicate that they did have a family member with dengue, and 77.5% indicate that they did not; 15% indicate that they do have their home fumigated constantly, and 85% indicate that it does not; 57.5% indicate that yes, all the containers where they keep the water have a lid and 42.5% indicate that they do not; 55% indicate that they do eliminate mosquito breeding sites in their home and 45% indicate that they do not; 37.5% indicate that they do allow accumulated water in their home, and 62.5% state that they do not; 95% indicate that they do agree that health personnel enter their home to fumigate and 5% say that they do not; 65% indicate that there are solid waste and puddles of water in their garden, and 35% indicate that there is not; 52.5% indicate that they do use a mosquito net when resting and 47.5% indicate that they do not; 30% indicate that their doors and windows do have mesh and 70% indicate that they do not; 40% indicate that they do remove the water from the tray on a daily basis, and 60% indicate that they do not; 47.5 %% indicate that their family does participate in the waste collection, and 52.5% indicate that it does not; 10% indicate that in their neighborhood they are organized to fight against dengue, and 90% indicate that they are not; 52.5% indicate that they wash, cover and throw away containers and objects that may contain or accumulate water, to avoid dengue, and 47.5% indicate that they do not; 67.5% indicate that when someone in their family has a fever, they immediately give them a pill, and 32.5% indicate that they do not; 7.5% indicate that there is a means of communication to report a case of dengue at home or in the neighborhood, and 92.5% indicate that it does not.
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