Bibliographic citations
Ruiz, M., Gaytan, R. (2023). Secuestro de dióxido de carbono y emisión de oxigeno de un bosque Varillal húmedo en la comunidad Nina Rumi, rio Nanay, Loreto-Peru-2022 [Tesis, Universidad Científica del Perú].
Ruiz, M., Gaytan, R. Secuestro de dióxido de carbono y emisión de oxigeno de un bosque Varillal húmedo en la comunidad Nina Rumi, rio Nanay, Loreto-Peru-2022 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Científica del Perú; 2023.
title = "Secuestro de dióxido de carbono y emisión de oxigeno de un bosque Varillal húmedo en la comunidad Nina Rumi, rio Nanay, Loreto-Peru-2022",
author = "Gaytan Gonzales, Rafael Antonio",
publisher = "Universidad Científica del Perú",
year = "2023"
The present work was carried out with the main objective of quantifying the sequestration of carbon dioxide and oxygen emission of a humid varillal forest in the Nina Rumi community, Nanay river, Loreto-Peru; having as specific objectives to quantify the production of tree biomass, the carbon stock, carbon dioxide sequestration and oxygen emission. The methodology applied was through a forest inventory and to calculate the data, allometric formulas used by the Ministry of the Environment of Peru-MINAM were used. The population of the humid varillal forest amounts to 208 ind/ha, the largest amount was determined in the 5 cm stem diameter class with 165 individuals, followed by 10 cm stem diameter with 38 individuals and 5 individuals at 20 cm. of stem diameter. The species Croton palanostigma "Shamboquiro" stands out with 47 individuals representing 22.60%, of the total followed by Macrolobiun inchnocalyx "Shimbillo" and Hevea brasiliensis "Shiringa" with 41 and 36 individuals representing 19.71% and 17.31 % of the total. The highest production of aerial biomass, carbon stock, carbon dioxide and oxygen emission occurs in the 10 cm diameter class with 897.36 Kg, 448.68 Kg/ha, 1 645.32 KgCO2/ha, and 1 196.64 Kg/O2/ha, respectively; being the species Hevea brasiliensis "shiringa" with the highest production of aerial biomass, carbon stock, carbon dioxide and oxygen emission with 369.81 Kg/ha, 184.90 Kg/ha, 678.05 KgCO2/ha. and 493.14 Kg/O2/ha respectively. The statistical evaluation of the sample is Parametric for the biomass, carbon, carbon sequestration and oxygen emission data. the analysis of variance obtained (p)=0.0000 to (p)=0.05 is therefore significant and is confirmed by Tukey's test. While, the Normality Test for the 5 cm, 10 cm and 20 cm diameter class of the humid varillal forest is Non-Parametric and the Kruskal Wallis Test and Dunn's Test for diameter class is significant.
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