Bibliographic citations
Rengifo, N., (2024). Conocimiento y actitud preventiva sobre el dengue de los pobladores de un aahh del distrito de San Juan Bautista – Iquitos 2023 [Tesis, Universidad Científica del Perú].
Rengifo, N., Conocimiento y actitud preventiva sobre el dengue de los pobladores de un aahh del distrito de San Juan Bautista – Iquitos 2023 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Científica del Perú; 2024.
title = "Conocimiento y actitud preventiva sobre el dengue de los pobladores de un aahh del distrito de San Juan Bautista – Iquitos 2023",
author = "Rengifo Da Silva, Nelly Fiorella",
publisher = "Universidad Científica del Perú",
year = "2024"
Dengue, a pathology of viral origin transmitted by mosquitoes, has persisted in our town for a period of 32 years, manifesting itself in episodes that impact the population with a reduced fatality rate. The fundamental purpose of this researchis to determine the level of knowledge and preventive disposition regarding Dengue in the residents of a Human Settlement (AAHH) located in the district ofSan Juan Bautista - Iquitos, during the year 2023. From the point of view From amethodological point of view, a quantitative approach was implemented with a descriptive, cross-sectional, prospective and correlational design. The interview was carried out with 185 individuals, belonging to the age groups of adolescentsand adults of both genders, residing in the AAHH Manco Inca in the district of San Juan Bautista. A questionnaire composed of 10 questions was used to evaluate the degree of knowledge about Dengue, and a Likert-type questionnaire with 10 premises to evaluate the preventive disposition of the inhabitants. The results revealed that 53% of the inhabitants exhibit appropriate knowledge about Dengue, presenting a significant association with adult residents (67.1%), of thefemale gender (55%), those with access to water supply through the home network. (61.2%) and well (56.9%), as well as with those who have personally experienced Dengue (64.7%) or have affected family members (59.0%). In relation to preventive provision, 41.6% of the inhabitants state it as adequate, showing a significant association with adult residents (52.6%), female gender (49.0%) and those who have suffered from Dengue (64.7%). It is concluded that residents with adequate knowledge about Dengue exhibit a significantly adequate preventive disposition towards the disease (p=0.000).
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