Bibliographic citations
Palomino, G., Pino, G. (2021). Características sociodemográficas y su relación con la depresión en adultos mayores del centro poblado “Villa Cruz” del Distrito De San Juan Bautista - Iquitos 2021 [Tesis, Universidad Científica del Perú].
Palomino, G., Pino, G. Características sociodemográficas y su relación con la depresión en adultos mayores del centro poblado “Villa Cruz” del Distrito De San Juan Bautista - Iquitos 2021 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Científica del Perú; 2021.
title = "Características sociodemográficas y su relación con la depresión en adultos mayores del centro poblado “Villa Cruz” del Distrito De San Juan Bautista - Iquitos 2021",
author = "Pino Ycahuate, Gilda Esther",
publisher = "Universidad Científica del Perú",
year = "2021"
The purpose of the research is to determine what relationship exists between sociodemographic characteristics and depression in older adults in the town center "Villa Cruz" in the district of San Juan Bautista in the year 2021. The research belongs to the quantitative approach and is based on the hypothetical-deductive research method. The population consisted of 164 older adults from the Centro Poblado “Villa Cruz” in the District of San Juan Bautista, a non-probabilistic convenience sampling was used, with 164 older adults. The technique was the survey and the psychometric. The data collection instrument used was the questionnaire for sociodemographic factors and the Yesavage test to determine depression in older adults. For data processing, the SPSS v23 statistic was used, obtaining the following results: Regarding sociodemographic factors, the most relevant groups with respect to age were 65 - 70 years with 65.9%, in sex the women with 58.5%, in the marital status the widower / separated with 48.2%, the level of education the primary with 40.2%, the economic dependency 52.4% asserted not to depend on anyone. 53% said they earn more than the minimum wage and 52.4% said they did not suffer from any disease, 55.5% of the men suffer from moderate - severe depression and 44.5% suffer from normal - mild depression. However, 54.3% of women suffer from normal - mild depression and 45.7% suffer from moderate - severe depression. It is concluded: The sociodemographic characteristics are significantly related to depression in older adults in the town center "Villa Cruz" of the district of San Juan Bautista in the year 2021.
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