Bibliographic citations
Chavarry, F., Donohue, C. (2023). Los Animales de Compañía como parte obligación alimentaria para el desarrollo psicomental en niños con habilidades especiales, Iquitos - 2023 [Tesis, Universidad Científica del Perú].
Chavarry, F., Donohue, C. Los Animales de Compañía como parte obligación alimentaria para el desarrollo psicomental en niños con habilidades especiales, Iquitos - 2023 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Científica del Perú; 2023.
title = "Los Animales de Compañía como parte obligación alimentaria para el desarrollo psicomental en niños con habilidades especiales, Iquitos - 2023",
author = "Donohue Palacios, Cesar Augusto",
publisher = "Universidad Científica del Perú",
year = "2023"
This research paper formulated the problem: Should pets be included as part of the food obligation for the psycho-mental development of children with special abilities? Being the main objective: To determine if pets should be included as part of the food obligation for the psycho-mental development of children with special abilities. The technique used was the survey and as an instrument, the questionnaire. The population is comprised of the Trial Lawyers of the Loreto Bar Association, having as a convenience sample 28 lawyers of the Loreto Bar Association. The design used is the "Non-experimental transactional or transversal type of descriptive" research. Descriptive statistics were used in the statistical analysis process, with the purpose of examining the variables individually, while the non-parametric chi-square (x2) test was used to verify the hypotheses. It was obtained as results that companion animals should be included as part of the food obligation for the psycho-mental development of children with special abilities. Concluding that it is necessary to modify Article 481 of the Civil Code to include companion animals in the food obligation for children with special abilities and in cases that justify their company.
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