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Caiña, L., Vela, T. (2021). Factores determinantes de la prematuridad en el hospital III Iquitos de EsSalud 2018 - 2019 [Tesis, Universidad Científica del Perú].
Caiña, L., Vela, T. Factores determinantes de la prematuridad en el hospital III Iquitos de EsSalud 2018 - 2019 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Científica del Perú; 2021.
title = "Factores determinantes de la prematuridad en el hospital III Iquitos de EsSalud 2018 - 2019",
author = "Vela Acosta, Tany Emilaury",
publisher = "Universidad Científica del Perú",
year = "2021"
Title: Factores determinantes de la prematuridad en el hospital III Iquitos de EsSalud 2018 - 2019
Authors(s): Caiña Lopez, Luxandra Stefany; Vela Acosta, Tany Emilaury
Advisor(s): Torres Lima, Sarita Elena
Keywords: Prematuridad; Factores; Determinantes; Prematurity; Factors; Determinants
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 3-May-2021
Institution: Universidad Científica del Perú
Abstract: Introducción: La prematuridad es un problema de salud en países y regiones con bajo nivel de desarrollo, con factores determinantes prevenibles que pueden reducir su prevalencia y complicaciones perinatales.
Objetivo: Determinar los factores determinantes de la prematuridad en el Hospital III Iquitos de EsSALUD, 2018 – 2019.
Material y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio caso control, con 52 casos de recién nacidos prematuros y 104 recién nacidos a término, obteniendo información sobre factores sociodemográficos y obstétricos al revisar sus historias clínicas virtuales. Se calculó el odds ratio, la fracción etiológica atribuible y se determinó la significancia a través de la prueba del chi cuadrado.
Resultados: Los factores determinantes que influyen en la presencia de prematuridad fueron: Menores de 20 años (OR 2.79, FEA 64.2%, p = 0.009), Bajo peso pregestacional (OR 2.75, FEA 63.6%, p = 0.030), Nulípa-ras (OR 2.20, FEA 54.5%, p = 0.031), Bajo número de atenciones prenata-les (OR 3.17, FEA 68.5% p = 0.002), Morbilidad durante el embarazo (OR 2.20, FEA 54.5% p = 0.023), Anemia (OR 2.30, FEA 56.5%, p = 0.044), RPM (OR 2.37, FEA 57.8% p = 0.042), Hiperémesis gravídica (OR 2.42, FEA 58.7%, p = 0.045) y Preeclampsia (OR 3.89, FEA 74.3%, p = 0.048).
Conclusión: La prematuridad se asocia con determinantes sociodemográficos y obstétricos que pueden ser intervenidos para reducir su prevalencia.
Prematurity is a health problem in countries and regions with low levels of development, with preventable determinants that can reduce its prevalence and perinatal complications. Objective: To determine the determinants of prematurity in Hospital III Iquitos de EsSALUD, 2018 – 2019. Matherial and Methods: A case-control study was conducted, with 52 cases of premature newborns and 104 newborns completed, obtaining information on sociodemographic and obstetric factors when reviewing their virtual medical records. The odds ratio, the attributable etiological fraction and the significance was determined through the chi squared test. Results: The determining factors that influence the presence of prematurity under the age of 20 (OR 2.79, FEA 64.2%, p x 0.009), low pregestational weight (OR 2.75, FEA 63.6%, p x 0.030), nuliparas (OR 2.20, FEA 54.5%, p x 0.031), low number of prenatal care (OR 3.17, FEA 68.5% p x 0.002), morbidity during pregnancy (OR 2.20, FEA 54.5% p x 0.023), anemia (OR 2.30, FEA 56.5%, p x 0.044), RPM (OR 2.37, FEA 57.8% p x 0.042), hy-peremesis (OR 2.42, FEA 58.7%, p x 0.045) and Preeclampsia (OR 3.89, FEA 74.3%, p x 0.048). Conclusion: Prematurity is associated with sociodemographic and obstetric determinants that can be intervened to reduce their prevalence.
Prematurity is a health problem in countries and regions with low levels of development, with preventable determinants that can reduce its prevalence and perinatal complications. Objective: To determine the determinants of prematurity in Hospital III Iquitos de EsSALUD, 2018 – 2019. Matherial and Methods: A case-control study was conducted, with 52 cases of premature newborns and 104 newborns completed, obtaining information on sociodemographic and obstetric factors when reviewing their virtual medical records. The odds ratio, the attributable etiological fraction and the significance was determined through the chi squared test. Results: The determining factors that influence the presence of prematurity under the age of 20 (OR 2.79, FEA 64.2%, p x 0.009), low pregestational weight (OR 2.75, FEA 63.6%, p x 0.030), nuliparas (OR 2.20, FEA 54.5%, p x 0.031), low number of prenatal care (OR 3.17, FEA 68.5% p x 0.002), morbidity during pregnancy (OR 2.20, FEA 54.5% p x 0.023), anemia (OR 2.30, FEA 56.5%, p x 0.044), RPM (OR 2.37, FEA 57.8% p x 0.042), hy-peremesis (OR 2.42, FEA 58.7%, p x 0.045) and Preeclampsia (OR 3.89, FEA 74.3%, p x 0.048). Conclusion: Prematurity is associated with sociodemographic and obstetric determinants that can be intervened to reduce their prevalence.
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Discipline: Obstetricia
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Científica del Perú. Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Grade or title: Obstetra
Juror: Chávez Chacaltana, Ricardo William; Ramírez Abad, Teodosia; Pérez Macedo, Silvia
Register date: 2-Jul-2021
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