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Villafana, F., Regalado, Z. (2021). Cuidado del adulto mayor ciudad Morales, 2020 [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional, Universidad Científica del Perú].
Villafana, F., Regalado, Z. Cuidado del adulto mayor ciudad Morales, 2020 [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional]. PE: Universidad Científica del Perú; 2021.
title = "Cuidado del adulto mayor ciudad Morales, 2020",
author = "Regalado Carrero, Zulen Nathaly",
publisher = "Universidad Científica del Perú",
year = "2021"
Title: Cuidado del adulto mayor ciudad Morales, 2020
Authors(s): Villafana Perez, Fernando; Regalado Carrero, Zulen Nathaly
Advisor(s): García del Castillo, Carlos Anibal
Keywords: Fomentar el desarrollo de todas sus facultades; Físicas; Mentales y Emocionales; Promote the development of all your faculties; Physical; Mental and Emotional
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 20-Mar-2021
Institution: Universidad Científica del Perú
Abstract: La factibilidad comercial señala una importante demanda, La esperanza de vida está aumentando, las personas llegan hasta los 70, 80 y más allá de los 90 años, pero pocos gozan de buena salud, la gran mayoría dependen del cuidado de otras personas. El presente plan de negocio se concentra en la creación del asilo para el adulto mayor “Jardín de los Abuelos”, asilo en el cual las personas adultas mayores podrán realizar diferentes actividades. Este plan de negocio parte de la idea de que muchas familias tienen a su lado a algún miembro de la tercera edad, y se hace muy complicado cuidarlo(a), y son escasas las maneras de ir a un asilo que brinde servicios recreativos y de socialización o conseguir el cuidado de un especialista. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de la investigación es la creación de un asilo para el adulto mayor “Jardín de los Abuelos”. Para identificar las viabilidades, se desarrolló una investigación, y se encontrando buena aceptación para el asilo, como también se determinó los costos y gastos implicados en la realización de la operatividad de la empresa, encontrando que dicha inversión a realizar en un periodo determinado se obtuvo buenos resultados, que expresados en términos económicos hay rentabilidad. Los cuales se ven reflejados con un VAN económico de S/. 29,482, nuevos soles, esto a una tasa de descuento de 14.66%, obteniendo una TIR económico de 37% y un TIR financiero de 55%.
Commercial feasibility signals an important demand, Life expectancy is increasing, people reach 70, 80 and beyond 90 years, but few are in good health, the vast majority depend on the care of other people. This business plan concentrates on the creation of a nursing home for the elderly "Jardín de los Abuelos", a nursing home where older adults can carry out different activities. This business plan starts from the idea that many families have a member of the elderly at their side, and it is very difficult to care for them, and there are few ways to go to an asylum that provides recreational and recreational services. socializing or getting care from a specialist. Therefore, the objective of the research is to create a nursing home for the elderly "Garden of the Grandparents". To identify the viabilities, an investigation was carried out, and finding good acceptance for the asylum, as well as the costs and expenses involved in carrying out the operations of the company, finding that said investment to be made in a given period was obtained good results, that expressed in economic terms there is profitability. Which are reflected with an economic NPV of S /. 29,482, this at a discount rate of 14.66%, obtaining an economic IRR of 37% and a financial IRR of 55%.
Commercial feasibility signals an important demand, Life expectancy is increasing, people reach 70, 80 and beyond 90 years, but few are in good health, the vast majority depend on the care of other people. This business plan concentrates on the creation of a nursing home for the elderly "Jardín de los Abuelos", a nursing home where older adults can carry out different activities. This business plan starts from the idea that many families have a member of the elderly at their side, and it is very difficult to care for them, and there are few ways to go to an asylum that provides recreational and recreational services. socializing or getting care from a specialist. Therefore, the objective of the research is to create a nursing home for the elderly "Garden of the Grandparents". To identify the viabilities, an investigation was carried out, and finding good acceptance for the asylum, as well as the costs and expenses involved in carrying out the operations of the company, finding that said investment to be made in a given period was obtained good results, that expressed in economic terms there is profitability. Which are reflected with an economic NPV of S /. 29,482, this at a discount rate of 14.66%, obtaining an economic IRR of 37% and a financial IRR of 55%.
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Discipline: Administración de Empresas
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Científica del Perú. Facultad de Negocios
Grade or title: Licenciado en Administración de Empresas
Juror: Pérez Santillán, Jorge; Fasanando García, Segundo Wilfredo; Rojas Espinoza, Víctor
Register date: 18-Jan-2022
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