Bibliographic citations
Córdova, R., Salinas, J. (2022). Desarrollo de una aplicación web para mejorar la gestion de solicitudes de audios publicitarios para los clientes del grupo RPP Lima-2020 [Tesis, Universidad Científica del Perú].
Córdova, R., Salinas, J. Desarrollo de una aplicación web para mejorar la gestion de solicitudes de audios publicitarios para los clientes del grupo RPP Lima-2020 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Científica del Perú; 2022.
title = "Desarrollo de una aplicación web para mejorar la gestion de solicitudes de audios publicitarios para los clientes del grupo RPP Lima-2020",
author = "Salinas Vela, Janela Corazon",
publisher = "Universidad Científica del Perú",
year = "2022"
In the present investigation whose title is "Development of a Web Application to improve the Management of Advertising Audio Requests for the Clients of the RPP Lima-2020 Group, the general objective was to develop a web application that allows to adequately manage the requests of advertising audios , in this research work it was possible to determine that through the development and implementation of the web application it was possible to significantly reduce the time it took to register an audio request from the clients, it was also possible to improve the reliability of the information in the management of requests for advertising audios for clients of the RPP Group, it was also possible to improve user satisfaction in the management of requests for advertising audios for clients of the RPP Group Lima - 2020, therefore this research work allowed to demonstrate in a scientific, statistical and methodological way that a web application It manages to improve processes in organizations.
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