Bibliographic citations
Zumaeta, R., (2022). Diseño e implementación de una red de datos para mejorar la gestión administrativa de la municipalidad distrital de mazán- 2021 [Tesis, Universidad Científica del Perú].
Zumaeta, R., Diseño e implementación de una red de datos para mejorar la gestión administrativa de la municipalidad distrital de mazán- 2021 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Científica del Perú; 2022.
title = "Diseño e implementación de una red de datos para mejorar la gestión administrativa de la municipalidad distrital de mazán- 2021",
author = "Zumaeta Rodriguez, Raul",
publisher = "Universidad Científica del Perú",
year = "2022"
In the present investigation entitled design and implementation of a data network to improve the administrative management of the district municipality of Mazán- 2021, the main objective was to evaluate to what extent the implementation of a data network improves administrative management in the district Municipality of Mazán, an applied research was applied, where the current data network was evaluated, evidencing that there were many connection problems in the network, the workers always presented discomfort when carrying out their daily activities, after the implementation of the new data network the network improved in speed and also the satisfaction of users, in this research work it was possible to evaluate and apply a methodology, standard of communication networks, therefore it was achieved that the current network of the district municipality of Mazán be more efficient and effective.
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