Bibliographic citations
Mejia, M., Mecca, P. (2023). Nivel de conocimiento sobre bioseguridad frente a la Covid 19 en estudiantes de las asignaturas clínicas estomatológicas presenciales de dos universidades, Iquitos 2022 [Tesis, Universidad Científica del Perú].
Mejia, M., Mecca, P. Nivel de conocimiento sobre bioseguridad frente a la Covid 19 en estudiantes de las asignaturas clínicas estomatológicas presenciales de dos universidades, Iquitos 2022 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Científica del Perú; 2023.
title = "Nivel de conocimiento sobre bioseguridad frente a la Covid 19 en estudiantes de las asignaturas clínicas estomatológicas presenciales de dos universidades, Iquitos 2022",
author = "Mecca Perea, Paola Isabel",
publisher = "Universidad Científica del Perú",
year = "2023"
Objective: To perform a diagnostical situation on the level of knowledge and clinical application of biosafety measures that students have of the different stomatological clinical subjects of two universities in Iquitos, 2022. Methodology: Research with an analytical, quantitative, prospective, comparative, non-experimental, correlational and cross-sectional design. The sample consisted of 111 students of the dental clinical subjects, where 55 students enrolled in the dental clinical subjects belong to the Scientific University of Peru 2022-1 and 56 students enrolled in the dental clinical subjects belong to the National University of the Peruvian Amazon 2021-1. Results: The study resulted in a higher prevalence of female students (57.7%) compared to male students (42.3%). Regarding the level of knowledge, 89.2% (99) had a low level of knowledge, 9.9% (11) had a regular level of knowledge and only 0.9% (1) had a high level of knowledge. 90.9% of students at the Scientific University of Peru have a low level of knowledge, compared to 87.5% of students at the National University of the Peruvian Amazon. Only 10.7% of the National University of the Peruvian Amazon have a regular level of knowledge and 1.8% of students of the National University of the Peruvian Amazon have a high level of knowledge. No significant relationship was found between the level of knowledge and the university of origin according to Chi Square=1.092, gl=2, p=0.75 (p>0.05). Conclusions: The level of general knowledge of the students of the dental clinics of the two universities is low with a minimum percentage of high knowledge. Likewise, the level increases according to the progress in the placement of the students in the different clinics.
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