Bibliographic citations
Nuñez, L., (2020). Evaluación del efecto hipoglicemiante de los extractos acuosos atomizados de cúrcuma longa y justicia spicigera in vivo [Tesis, Universidad Científica del Perú].
Nuñez, L., Evaluación del efecto hipoglicemiante de los extractos acuosos atomizados de cúrcuma longa y justicia spicigera in vivo [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Científica del Perú; 2020.
title = "Evaluación del efecto hipoglicemiante de los extractos acuosos atomizados de cúrcuma longa y justicia spicigera in vivo",
author = "Nuñez Tuesta, Lener",
publisher = "Universidad Científica del Perú",
year = "2020"
To evaluate the hypoglycemic effect in vivo of atomized aqueous extracts of Curcuma longa and Justicia spicigera. Materials and methods. The hypoglycemic activity in vivo was evaluated by chemical induction with streptozotocin. Twenty-five Balb/c strain mice divided into five groups were used and the preventive and therapeutic effect of the extracts was evaluated at two concentrations 300 and 600 mg/kg of weight. Acarbose was used as control drug at 100 mg/kg wt. Results. In the therapeutic effect, C. longa and J. spicigera showed values of 113.02±7.87 and 126.44±11.97 mg/dL of plasma glucose respectively, in a similar way as obtained with the control drug acarbose (107.21±6.30 mg/dL), in the preventive effect C. longa and J. spicigera obtained values of 235.93±4.11 and 209.84±30.54 mg/dL of glucose respectively, Similarly to that shown by acarbose (201.71±38.50 mg/dL) Conclusions The atomized aqueous extracts of C. longa and J. spicigera, showed hypoglycemic activity in vivo in the therapeutic treatment.
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