Bibliographic citations
Bocanegra, J., Ríos, J. (2022). Propuesta para mejorar los ingresos prediales municipales en el distrito de Sacanche – Huallaga mediante inversión publico privada, 2021 [Tesis, Universidad Cientìfica del Perù].
Bocanegra, J., Ríos, J. Propuesta para mejorar los ingresos prediales municipales en el distrito de Sacanche – Huallaga mediante inversión publico privada, 2021 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Cientìfica del Perù; 2022.
title = "Propuesta para mejorar los ingresos prediales municipales en el distrito de Sacanche – Huallaga mediante inversión publico privada, 2021",
author = "Ríos Reátegui, Jorge Luis",
publisher = "Universidad Cientìfica del Perù",
year = "2022"
In Peru there are three levels of government, the national and decentralized regional and local governments. There are great differences in terms of institutional, technical, operational capacity, population size, geographic location, between provincial and district governments, the regulatory framework is general, the same for all and the improvement processes for the collection of property taxes have not formed part of the State modernization and decentralization agenda up to the present. The district municipalities are not the active subject of the tax since they do not have the authority to establish it, however they have active tax capacity for the bases in whose jurisdiction the affected real estate is located. Among the many needs that the State cannot cover, is the efficient provision of basic infrastructure services to improve the quality of life of the population by establishing development policies, since they are limited by financing aspects, thus requiring budgetary resources. growing and sustainable over time. In this regard, successful experiences in the international arena have shown that the property tax is potentially the best financial instrument at the local level, and with greater relevance in urban areas, the challenge lies in exploiting it efficiently. This research work seeks to demonstrate the feasibility of implementing a cadastral project by concession applied to a local government in the southern area of the San Martín region with the aim of reducing the delinquency rate and increasing own resources by improving property income municipal.
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