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Guerola Olaguibel, Bertha Renée
Quispe Coral, Steffanie Alexandra
Lozano del Aguila, Hugo Junior
El presente proyecto de Suficiencia Profesional: Parque Metropolitano Amazónico de Iquitos – Loreto 2021. Desarrollado por la Bach. Arq. Steffanie Alexandra Quispe Coral, Bach. Arq. Hugo Junior Lozano del Aguila. Tiene como objetivo la incrementación de índice de espacios Públicos para la vida social de la población y la revalorización cultural, gastronómica y recreacional, proponiendo un nuevo espacio público, para la calidad de vida de la población urbana, por este mismo motivo es importante resguardar y en este caso ofrecer áreas verdes para el bien ambiental de la ciudad y la interacción social. La ejecución de un Parque Metropolitano Amazónico ofrecerá incrementar el índice de espacio público, Generar un polo de atracción cultural, gastronómica y recreacional, Revalorar la identidad cultural Amazónica y nuevas tecnologías constructivas sustentables para el diseño del parque. El proyecto cuenta con una topografía sinuosa que aporta en el desarrollo del diseño, teniendo caminos peatonales, circuito de tren, circuito de ciclovía, asimismo las distintas zonas donde se desarrollara una serie de actividades y volúmenes a través de la zona cultural, comercial, deportivo, Tours ecológico, Zona social, como las plazas y las grandes áreas verdes, por la magnitud del terreno se desarrollara una vía conectora, que pasara por el medio del Parque. (es_ES)
The present project of Professional Sufficiency: Metropolitan Amazonian Park of Iquitos - Loreto 2021. Developed by Bach. Steffanie Alexandra Quispe Coral, Bach. Hugo Junior Lozano del Aguila. It aims to increase the index of public spaces for the social life of the population and the cultural, gastronomic and recreational revaluation, proposing a new public space, for the quality of life of the urban population, for this same reason it is important to protect and in this case offer green areas for the environmental good of the city and social interaction. The execution of a Metropolitan Amazonian Park will offer an increase in the rate of public space, generate a cultural, gastronomic and recreational attraction, revalue the Amazonian cultural identity and new sustainable construction technologies for the design of the park. The project has a sinuous topography that contributes in the development of the design, having pedestrian paths, train circuit, cycle path circuit, also the different areas where a series of activities and volumes will be developed through the cultural, commercial, sports, ecological Tours, social area, such as squares and large green areas, due to the magnitude of the land, a connecting road will be developed, which will pass through the middle of the Park. (En_us)
The present project of Professional Sufficiency: Metropolitan Amazonian Park of Iquitos - Loreto 2021. Developed by Bach. Steffanie Alexandra Quispe Coral, Bach. Hugo Junior Lozano del Aguila. It aims to increase the index of public spaces for the social life of the population and the cultural, gastronomic and recreational revaluation, proposing a new public space, for the quality of life of the urban population, for this same reason it is important to protect and in this case offer green areas for the environmental good of the city and social interaction. The execution of a Metropolitan Amazonian Park will offer an increase in the rate of public space, generate a cultural, gastronomic and recreational attraction, revalue the Amazonian cultural identity and new sustainable construction technologies for the design of the park. The project has a sinuous topography that contributes in the development of the design, having pedestrian paths, train circuit, cycle path circuit, also the different areas where a series of activities and volumes will be developed through the cultural, commercial, sports, ecological Tours, social area, such as squares and large green areas, due to the magnitude of the land, a connecting road will be developed, which will pass through the middle of the Park. (En_us)
Trabajo de suficiencia profesional (es_ES)
application/pdf (es_ES)
spa (es_ES)
Universidad Científica del Perú (es_ES)
info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess (es_ES)
http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/us/ (*)
Espacio Público (es_ES)
Identidad Cultural (es_ES)
Cohesión social (es_ES)
Arquitectura Paisajística (es_ES)
Parque (es_ES)
Parque Metropolitano (es_ES)
Public Space (En_us)
Cultural Identity (En_us)
Social cohesion (En_us)
Landscape Architecture (En_us)
Park (En_us)
Metropolitan Park (En_us)
Parque Metropolitano Amazónico de Iquitos - Loreto 2021 (es_ES)
info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis (es_ES)
Universidad Científica del Perú. Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo (es_ES)
Arquitectura (es_ES)
Titulo Profesional (es_ES)
Arquitecto (es_ES)
PE (es_ES)
https://purl.org/pe-repo/ocde/ford#6.04.08 (es_ES)
http://purl.org/pe-repo/renati/level#tituloProfesional (es_ES)
05250746 (es_ES)
https://orcid.org/0009-0006-5001-2300 (es_ES)
71089755 (es_ES)
45356535 (es_ES)
731017 (es_ES)
Tapullima Flores, Jorge Luis (es_ES)
Bedoya Castillo, Filomena (es_ES)
Cabellos Alvan, James (es_ES)
https://purl.org/pe-repo/renati/type#trabajoDeSuficienciaProfesional (es_ES)
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