Bibliographic citations
Lozano, O., Linares, R. (2021). Propuesta de un plan de mejora y su influencia en la gestión logística de la empresa constructora RBG ingenieros S.A.C. de la ciudad de Jaen, provincia Jaen, departamento Cajamarca [Tesis, Universidad Científica del Perú].
Lozano, O., Linares, R. Propuesta de un plan de mejora y su influencia en la gestión logística de la empresa constructora RBG ingenieros S.A.C. de la ciudad de Jaen, provincia Jaen, departamento Cajamarca [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Científica del Perú; 2021.
title = "Propuesta de un plan de mejora y su influencia en la gestión logística de la empresa constructora RBG ingenieros S.A.C. de la ciudad de Jaen, provincia Jaen, departamento Cajamarca",
author = "Linares Cancino, Ramfor",
publisher = "Universidad Científica del Perú",
year = "2021"
The main purpose of this thesis is to help improve logistics management in the aspects of Control and Distribution of materials on site and in the selection process of the suppliers of the Constructora RBG INGENIEROS S.A.C. from the city of Jaén, province of Jaén, department of Cajamarca. Based on assisted surveys and interviews with the personnel working in the construction company RBG INGENIEROS S.A.C., it was shown that these aspects are important for the company; however, they were found to be focused incorrectly. Therefore, methodologies were proposed that will be very useful for the proper functioning of the company Constructora RBG INGENIEROS S.A.C. Before developing the proposals, a bibliographic review was carried out to find out what two project management methodologies propose, the Lean Construction and the Project Management Institute. From the review carried out, it was concluded that none of them offers detailed procedures regarding the aspects studied, therefore the proposals made by the two management methodologies were complemented with other theories and tools developed by other institutions. To improve the distribution and control of materials, a Warehouse Management (SLP) methodology is proposed, a catalog of products has been developed to control materials and a layout (plant distribution) of the warehouse on site has been designed. of road infrastructure. In order to improve the selection of suppliers, a methodology has been proposed to help improve the performance of suppliers and to provide information for the selection of suppliers in future projects. Finally, an application example will be developed in a real case, a work in progress of the company for a better understanding of the procedure proposed by both methodologies.
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