Bibliographic citations
Vásquez, R., Ahuanari, F. (2024). Determinación de la cobertura de áreas verdes en el instituto nacional de innovación agraria - distrito de san juan bautista mediante el uso de drone multiespectral 2023 [Tesis, Universidad Científica del Perú].
Vásquez, R., Ahuanari, F. Determinación de la cobertura de áreas verdes en el instituto nacional de innovación agraria - distrito de san juan bautista mediante el uso de drone multiespectral 2023 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Científica del Perú; 2024.
title = "Determinación de la cobertura de áreas verdes en el instituto nacional de innovación agraria - distrito de san juan bautista mediante el uso de drone multiespectral 2023",
author = "Ahuanari Céspedes, Francesco Alonso",
publisher = "Universidad Científica del Perú",
year = "2024"
In the present investigation, images from a multispectral drone were used to determine the normalized differential vegetative index (NDVI), with the objective of determining the phenological characteristics of the green areas within the scope of the facilities of Agrarian Research and Innovation Institute – INIA. SAN ROQUE, located in the San Juan Bautista district, Maynas province, Loreto department, in an area 76841 m2. The proposed methodology was to use the reflectance values of the crops and capture them by means of a multispectral camera of which the relationship between the difference with respect to the sum of the red (R) and near infrared (NIR) bands is used to determine the NDVI. Likewise, to discriminate the heights of the crops, low, medium and high vegetation were considered, the heights less than 0.30 m, between 0.30 to 10 m and greater than 10 m respectively. The configuration of the flight plan implies a height of 80 m and an overlap between photo and photo of 75%, of which 135 photos were obtained from a flight of 8.45 minutes. It was determined that 73.7% constitute green areas and the rest constructed area. . Likewise, of the green areas, 46.1% constitute high vegetation, 3.1% medium vegetation and 50.7% low vegetation. NVDI fluctuates between 0.10 to 0.65
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