Bibliographic citations
García, G., Soto, H. (2020). Tecnologías de Información y competencias digitales en docentes de instituciones educativas secundarios del distrito de San Juan [Tesis, Universidad Científica del Perú].
García, G., Soto, H. Tecnologías de Información y competencias digitales en docentes de instituciones educativas secundarios del distrito de San Juan [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Científica del Perú; 2020.
title = "Tecnologías de Información y competencias digitales en docentes de instituciones educativas secundarios del distrito de San Juan",
author = "Soto Soria, Herbert Stanley",
publisher = "Universidad Científica del Perú",
year = "2020"
The present thesis research work was developed in the town of San Juan Bautista, Maynas province, Loreto department, it had the objective of determining the influence of information technologies and digital competences in teachers of secondary educational institutions of the district of Saint John Baptist. It was a correlational investigation that sought to document the greatest amount of relevant information to determine the level of mastery of information technologies and their influence on the digital competences of teachers; A sample of 228 teaching individuals from the local educational institutions was established; The instrument for gathering information was the questionnaire made up of 30 questions that related the two dimensions and the fifteen research indicators; The results confirm that information technologies affect the environment in which they are used. It was concluded that teachers, have a "high" level of mastery of information technologies, are at the level of "in process" for the better development of digital skills and the degree of influence that exists between information technologies and digital skills, is varied due to the type of technology and the context in which it is applied.
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