Bibliographic citations
Crespin, C., Slee, M. (2021). Mejoramiento de la fluidez y resistencia del concreto simple con la aplicación de Nanosilice, Tarapoto 2021 [Tesis, Universidad Científica del Perú].
Crespin, C., Slee, M. Mejoramiento de la fluidez y resistencia del concreto simple con la aplicación de Nanosilice, Tarapoto 2021 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Científica del Perú; 2021.
title = "Mejoramiento de la fluidez y resistencia del concreto simple con la aplicación de Nanosilice, Tarapoto 2021",
author = "Slee del Aguila, Maria Marisol",
publisher = "Universidad Científica del Perú",
year = "2021"
The main objective of this research study is to determine the variation of fluidity and compressive strength of simple concrete, f'c = 210 kg / cm2, by partially replacing type I portland cement with nanosilice particles, to improve its resistance to compression, and thus seeking to reduce overall costs. We carry out an experimental investigation using the technical standards of Concrete ASTM, MTC, ACI and NTP, complying with the physical and mechanical characteristics that they stipulate. Tests of the aggregates to be used (granulometry, natural humidity, specific weight, unit weight, abrasion) were carried out for the concrete design f'c = 210 kg / cm2 verifying that they comply with the parameters of the Peruvian technical standards E.060 For reinforced concrete, a first design called "pattern design" without adding the nanosilice, after this we proceeded to make mixtures with the addition of 1%, 3% and 5% of nanosilice that partially replaced the cement, all designs were made According to the ACI-211 standard, once the designs were completed, the concrete cores were molded to carry out the axial compression test, in the press, comparing the results obtained in each one of the concrete mix designs, the test was also taken of slump to verify the variation of this in the 4 aforementioned designs, for the records of the results a technical data collection sheet was used as an instrument. It was finally determined that the addition of nanosilize particles improves the resistance to compression of simple concrete and its workability.
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