Bibliographic citations
Acuy, S., Parker, L. (2023). Arquitectura hospitalaria: Propuesta de diseño de hospital tipo II-I, en el distrito de San Juan Bautista – Loreto 2023 [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional, Universidad Científica del Perú].
Acuy, S., Parker, L. Arquitectura hospitalaria: Propuesta de diseño de hospital tipo II-I, en el distrito de San Juan Bautista – Loreto 2023 [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional]. PE: Universidad Científica del Perú; 2023.
title = "Arquitectura hospitalaria: Propuesta de diseño de hospital tipo II-I, en el distrito de San Juan Bautista – Loreto 2023",
author = "Parker Mermao, Luis Fernan",
publisher = "Universidad Científica del Perú",
year = "2023"
The present research work, has as its main entity, the proposal of a hospital architecture, designing a hospital of type II-I, for the district of San Juan Bautista, located in the area of urban growth of the city; to provide a medical care service and promote in this area of the city of Iquitos. This research seeks to decentralize health activities located in certain parts of the city, promoting immediate and specialized care; Covering the demand for medical cases, Generating opportunities for advanced treatments. The methodological system for the monograph has been descriptive, with a non- experimental design, developing the research in 2 phases; the first with the description and characteristics of the place of study and the second with the design proposal. In the first phase, all the sociocultural information of the place was identified, taking into account its current conditions, in this way the study area and its radius of influence were analyzed to evaluate possible urban impacts in the area. In the second phase, the criteria that we will take into account for the development of the architectural proposal as an urban health solution were selected. This health facility responds as a type II-I hospital, for a growing district. At the end of the investigation, sociocultural spaces were obtained as a response in an area of comprehensive health care for people, from the population of San Juan. Likewise, the thesis project is a contribution to the improvement of hospital infrastructure management in the city of Iquitos.
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