Bibliographic citations
Hidalgo, F., Hidalgo, J. (2021). Estabilización química de subrasantes de suelos arcillosos en carreteras no pavimentadas en selva baja. Aplicación de aditivos terrasil y proes en vía de acceso “Moralillos”, Loreto, 2018 [Tesis, Universidad Científica del Perú].
Hidalgo, F., Hidalgo, J. Estabilización química de subrasantes de suelos arcillosos en carreteras no pavimentadas en selva baja. Aplicación de aditivos terrasil y proes en vía de acceso “Moralillos”, Loreto, 2018 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Científica del Perú; 2021.
title = "Estabilización química de subrasantes de suelos arcillosos en carreteras no pavimentadas en selva baja. Aplicación de aditivos terrasil y proes en vía de acceso “Moralillos”, Loreto, 2018",
author = "Hidalgo Reategui, Jose",
publisher = "Universidad Científica del Perú",
year = "2021"
This thesis investigates the behavior of soil with the addition of PROES and TERRASIL additives for soil stabilization. Initially, the work was done with gradual percentages of the additives obtaining different behaviors, the PROES as an additive has better performance in giving a good result of CBR in its 95% and its 100%, on the other hand, TERRASIL has to vary the more the additive is added . This comes to a mostly positive result, but it is decided to work with the PROES additive. The research concludes that there is technical and economic feasibility for the use of additives in clay soils and in pavements or improvements of carriageways since it helps to raise or lower the CBR of the soils in which it is intended to work, allowing in this to give more option of stabilizers, this investigation is determined by percentages of addition of additives in the soils to be worked.
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