Bibliographic citations
Bosmediano, J., Ruiz, J. (2016). Prevalencia de Echinococcus vogeli(Cestoda: Taeniidae) en Cuniculuspaca (Rodentia: Cuniculidae) en cuatro comunidades de la cuenca alta del río Itaya, San Juan Bautista, Maynas, Loreto Perú [Tesis, Universidad Científica del Perú].
Bosmediano, J., Ruiz, J. Prevalencia de Echinococcus vogeli(Cestoda: Taeniidae) en Cuniculuspaca (Rodentia: Cuniculidae) en cuatro comunidades de la cuenca alta del río Itaya, San Juan Bautista, Maynas, Loreto Perú [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Científica del Perú; 2016.
title = "Prevalencia de Echinococcus vogeli(Cestoda: Taeniidae) en Cuniculuspaca (Rodentia: Cuniculidae) en cuatro comunidades de la cuenca alta del río Itaya, San Juan Bautista, Maynas, Loreto Perú",
author = "Ruiz Ramirez, Junior Benito",
publisher = "Universidad Científica del Perú",
year = "2016"
Echinococcus vogelis a zoonotic cestode. The survival of this parasitc depends on the prcdator/prey relationship between the known natural hosts: bush dog (Speothos venalicus) and paca (Cuniulus paca), his favorite prcy. The overall objecrive was to determine the prevalence ofEchinocoaus vogeli in Cuniculuspaca in the upper basin of the Itaya River. During the period from December 2014 to December 2015, local huntersfrom four communiries (Mcliton Carbajal, Luz del Oriente, 28 de Enero and Nueva Villa Belen) voluntarily donatcd livers of 31 individuals of paca. Each animal organs were preserved in 4% formaldehyde solution (v / v). Macroscopic and histological studies were performed. Cystic masses of 0.5-3.0 cm in diameter in3 paca individuals were found from Villa Nuevo Belen. By Microscopic and morphometric analysis the rostellar hooks protoscolices identified; and the average length of large hooks 40.9 um (40.6-41.2m) and small hooks of 32.3m (31.8-32.8m). The handle length vas 14.1m the bladc length 26.7 m. Considering the samples obtained in the four communities, an overall prevalcnce of 9.68% of paca naturally infected with E. wogeli was observed. In chis research the presence of E. vogel in C. paca was confirmed in the upper basin of the ltaya river, demonstrating the presence of E. vogelin the community of Villa Nuevo Belen. The data presented, together with the cultural habits of the local population as paca hunting, puts communities Itaya river basin as an area of epidemiological risk in acquiring neotropical polycystic echinococcosis. The experience in this work lcads to raisc the need for multidisciplinary work to strcngthcn and broaden thc search for E. vogeli in other parts of the Amazon rcgion, and to estímate che hcalth risk to local human communities.
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