Bibliographic citations
Trujillo, D., (2022). Influencia del aditivo superplastificante neoplast 8500 HP en las propiedades del concreto cemento - arena empleando agregado fino de la cantera ''Las Amazonas" carretera Iquitos - nauta km 20, Iquitos 2021" [Tesis, Universidad Científica del Perú].
Trujillo, D., Influencia del aditivo superplastificante neoplast 8500 HP en las propiedades del concreto cemento - arena empleando agregado fino de la cantera ''Las Amazonas" carretera Iquitos - nauta km 20, Iquitos 2021" [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Científica del Perú; 2022.
title = "Influencia del aditivo superplastificante neoplast 8500 HP en las propiedades del concreto cemento - arena empleando agregado fino de la cantera ''Las Amazonas" carretera Iquitos - nauta km 20, Iquitos 2021"",
author = "Trujillo Pinedo, Danny Jim",
publisher = "Universidad Científica del Perú",
year = "2022"
The city of Iquitos is geographically isolated from the other cities of the country, being its only means of transport and communication: air and waterways. It is characterized by the absence of coarse aggregate and the presence of fine granulometry, with a low value of fineness modulus. As a construction material, generally cement-sand concrete is used, which is prepared without coarse aggregate. The local sand used, being very fine, has high specific surface values, so it requires or requires more water than conventional concrete. By using a greater quantity of water in cement-sand concrete, which is prepared without coarse aggregate, greater voids are generated in the paste (porosity); as a consequence of the evaporation of free water and the presence of naturally trapped air. The porosity formed leaves the structure exposed to the entry of liquids and gases, causing these elements to produce various harmful chemical reactions. The present thesis aims to investigate the effects of the superplasticizer additive Neoplast 8500 HP on the properties of cement-sand concrete made with portland cement type GU, APU brand. For the investigation, cementsand concrete was prepared without additive and with additive for mixtures of water-cement ratios of 0.68, 0.62, 0.56, calling cement-sand concrete without additive as standard concrete. The dosage of 0.8% by weight of the cement was used. Fresh concrete tests were carried out such as: slump, unit weight, trapped air content, exudation and temperatura. Compressive and flexural strength tests were performed on hardened concrete. Subsequently, comparisons of the mixtures with additive with mixtres without additive (standard) were made. The results yielded favorable values in the designs with additive compared to those without additive. The cement savings for the 0.68, 0.62 and 0.56 water-cement ratio desings were 2.37, 3.34 and 2.59 bags per cubic meter of concrete respectively, with the cement savings of 23.41 %, 29.27 % and 21.71 % respectively. Savings in the cost of concrete were stimated at: 29.05, 54.22 and 27.74 Peruvian soles respectively. The XIX variation of the compressive strength turned out to be: 5.48 %, increase for 0.68 in the design, 1.17 % increase for 0.62 and 2.44 % decrease for 0.56. It was concluded that Neoplast 8500 HP admixture satisfactorily influenced the properties of cement-sand concrete, reducing the amount of cement and the cost of concrete without affecting its mechanical properties.
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