Bibliographic citations
Cisneros, D., Martinez, F. (2022). Uso de la infografía en estudiantes del 4to grado de secundaria en la institución educativa “Ramiro Vásquez Ruiz” Punchana, 2020 [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional, Universidad Científica del Perú].
Cisneros, D., Martinez, F. Uso de la infografía en estudiantes del 4to grado de secundaria en la institución educativa “Ramiro Vásquez Ruiz” Punchana, 2020 [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional]. PE: Universidad Científica del Perú; 2022.
title = "Uso de la infografía en estudiantes del 4to grado de secundaria en la institución educativa “Ramiro Vásquez Ruiz” Punchana, 2020",
author = "Martinez Garcia, Felipe Martin",
publisher = "Universidad Científica del Perú",
year = "2022"
The objective of this research was: To determine the level of use of Infographics in 4th grade Secondary students at the “Ramiro Vásquez Ruiz” Educational Institution in the Punchana district during 2020. The research was descriptive. The usual design of the Inquiry was nonexperimental and the specific design was descriptive cross-sectional. The population was made up of 50 4th grade Secondary students at the “Ramiro Vásquez Ruiz” Educational Institution in the Punchana district during 2020. The sample was obtained using the sample design for populations under 1500, obtaining 50 100% of the population , that is, the 50 Students of the 4th grade of Secondary in the Educational Institution "Ramiro Vásquez Ruiz" of the district of Punchana during the year 2020. The choice of the sample was intentionally non-random. The technique used to collect the data was the survey and the data collection instrument was the questionnaire. The results show that the level of use of the Infographic is regular in 4th grade Secondary students at the “Ramiro Vásquez Ruiz” Educational Institution of the Punchana district during the year 2020.
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