Bibliographic citations
Yaicate, O., (2021). Características asociadas al conocimiento sobre cuidados del recién nacido en madres adolescentes atendidas en el Ipress progreso 1-2 San Juan Bautista 2020 [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional, Universidad Científica del Perú].
Yaicate, O., Características asociadas al conocimiento sobre cuidados del recién nacido en madres adolescentes atendidas en el Ipress progreso 1-2 San Juan Bautista 2020 [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional]. PE: Universidad Científica del Perú; 2021.
title = "Características asociadas al conocimiento sobre cuidados del recién nacido en madres adolescentes atendidas en el Ipress progreso 1-2 San Juan Bautista 2020",
author = "Yaicate Baneo, Olga Laura",
publisher = "Universidad Científica del Perú",
year = "2021"
The objective of this work was to determine the characteristics associated with knowledge about newborn care in adolescent mothers attended in the IPRESS 1-2 Progreso San Juan Bautista 2020, the methodology used was quantitative with a descriptive, cross-sectional, prospective, correlational design. The population and sample were made up of 30 adolescent mothers, the technique used was the interview, and documentary analysis, the instrument was the data collection sheet on Sociodemographic Characteristics and Gyneco-obstetric Characteristics and the questionnaire on knowledge about the care of newborns of mothers adolescents (validity 88.9% and reliability 0.884). The results regarding the sociodemographic characteristics were: Most of the age 50.0% are 17 years old, 56.7% have secondary school, 73.3% are cohabiting, 80.0% are from marginal urban areas, while the results of the gyneco-obstetric characteristics 83.3% attended their prenatal check-up , 83.3% had normal deliveries, finally 80.0% have knowledge about newborn care. Concluding that the sociodemographic and gyneco-obstetric characteristics with the knowledge about the care of the newborn have a direct and significant relationship, resulting in the hypothesis proposed in the present study.
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