Bibliographic citations
Mathios, M., (2021). Metodología de determinación del valor referencial para el mantenimiento rutinario d.u 070-2020; del camino vecinal, tramo shamboyacu – choviaco – nuevo amazonas – lejía; picota - san martín - 2021 [Trabajo de investigacion, Universidad Científica del Perú].
Mathios, M., Metodología de determinación del valor referencial para el mantenimiento rutinario d.u 070-2020; del camino vecinal, tramo shamboyacu – choviaco – nuevo amazonas – lejía; picota - san martín - 2021 [Trabajo de investigacion]. PE: Universidad Científica del Perú; 2021.
title = "Metodología de determinación del valor referencial para el mantenimiento rutinario d.u 070-2020; del camino vecinal, tramo shamboyacu – choviaco – nuevo amazonas – lejía; picota - san martín - 2021",
author = "Mathios Diaz, Marco Antonio Branko",
publisher = "Universidad Científica del Perú",
year = "2021"
The purpose of this research work is to evaluate a series of variables and factors related to the physical characteristics of the road and its surroundings in order to determine its level of Service and Typology corresponding to each section of the section. In this sense, the research aims to study these factors and the other factors present in the determination of the cost or reference value of routine maintenance of neighborhood roads, in which it is intended to strengthen the methodology for determining the reference value of routine maintenance of neighborhood roads readjusting the calculations in the existing methodology, with the data that each section has, for this, the section Shamboyacu - Choviaco - Nuevo Amazonas - Lejía, Province of Picota, San Martin Region has been chosen. The preparation of this research took into account the manuals and guidelines established by Emergency Decree No. 070-2020
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