Bibliographic citations
Guerrero, L., Córdova, J. (2021). Evaluación de patologías y su influencia en una propuesta de mantenimiento del puente atumpampa, distrito de morales, provincia y departamento de san martín [Tesis, Universidad Científica del Perú].
Guerrero, L., Córdova, J. Evaluación de patologías y su influencia en una propuesta de mantenimiento del puente atumpampa, distrito de morales, provincia y departamento de san martín [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Científica del Perú; 2021.
title = "Evaluación de patologías y su influencia en una propuesta de mantenimiento del puente atumpampa, distrito de morales, provincia y departamento de san martín",
author = "Córdova Calle, Julio César",
publisher = "Universidad Científica del Perú",
year = "2021"
Bridges are part of the patrimony of the Peruvian State and therefore of all Peruvians. However, there has been a lack of conservation culture towards these structures, actions that should be carried out very often in order to preserve or repair the structure to achieve a good performance of the same. Every material has a certain durability and useful life, including reinforced concrete, which tends to develop pathologies with the passing of time, and it is convenient to prevent pathologies and deterioration suffered by bridge structures of a certain age as soon as possible in order to achieve their conservation. The present investigation has determined the current condition of the Atumpampa Bridge, located in the District of Morales, Province of San Martin, Department of San Martin. It has been used Directive No. 01-2006-MTC/14 "GUIDE FOR BRIDGE INSPECTION" Approved by Directorial Resolution No. 012-2006-MTC/14 dated March 14, 2006, together with the "GUIDE FOR BRIDGE INSPECTION" Approved by Directorial Resolution 014-2019-MTC/18 dated August 08, 2019, has been used. With the inspection, analysis of the pathologies found and the statistical analysis of the Atumpampa Bridge, it was concluded that it is in Regular condition (Statistical value 2.45), with the element of the framing showing a collapse of 30% of the structure and having a statistical condition of 3.00 (Bad). Based on the results of the study, pertinent recommendations are made for the proposal of preventive maintenance of this strategic infrastructure, which must be kept in good condition to guarantee the proper functioning of land communications. From the authors' point of view, the condition of the Atumpampa bridge should be monitored to ensure the safety of users above all. Each part of the bridge requires special maintenance so that it can work at its maximum hydraulic, functional and operational capacity.
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