Bibliographic citations
Garcia, M., (2023). Percepciones de los agentes educativos sobre la ciudadanía activa y formación intercultural de una IE pública de Bongará-Amazonas [Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya].
Garcia, M., Percepciones de los agentes educativos sobre la ciudadanía activa y formación intercultural de una IE pública de Bongará-Amazonas []. PE: Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya; 2023.
title = "Percepciones de los agentes educativos sobre la ciudadanía activa y formación intercultural de una IE pública de Bongará-Amazonas",
author = "Garcia Davila, Maria Edith",
publisher = "Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya",
year = "2023"
The objective of this research was to analyze the perceptions of educational agents - students, teachers and directors - on active citizenship and intercultural education in a public IE of Bongará-Amazonas. It approached the perceptions of educational agents on the conceptualization, importance, and purpose of active citizenship and intercultural education from the voice of the informants. Likewise, the characteristics of active citizens and intercultural persons were investigated from the place of their daily interactions in a dialogic, collective and individual manner. This study was conducted from the qualitative approach, using the case study method, since the interest was to understand and collect information on active citizenship and intercultural training from the perception, perspective and voice of the educational agents themselves in a natural and real way. The focus group and interview techniques were used, with their semi-structured scripts. Among the most outstanding results are the relationship between active and passive citizenship, the lack of clarity of interculturality being confused with multiculturalism, the importance and purpose of active citizenship and intercultural training to develop citizenship and intercultural competencies.
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