Bibliographic citations
Sanchez, J., (2023). Estudio de prefactibilidad para la creación de una empresa productora y comercializadora de helados artesanales, utilizando las frutas producidas en la localidad “Fundo Chune”, basado en un modelo de economía circular [Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya].
Sanchez, J., Estudio de prefactibilidad para la creación de una empresa productora y comercializadora de helados artesanales, utilizando las frutas producidas en la localidad “Fundo Chune”, basado en un modelo de economía circular []. PE: Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya; 2023.
title = "Estudio de prefactibilidad para la creación de una empresa productora y comercializadora de helados artesanales, utilizando las frutas producidas en la localidad “Fundo Chune”, basado en un modelo de economía circular",
author = "Sanchez Huallpa, Julissa Geraldine",
publisher = "Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya",
year = "2023"
The pre-feasibility study for the creation of a company that produces and sells artisanal ice cream, using the fruits produced in the locality ""Fundo Chune"", based on a circular economy model, seeks to satisfy the need for nutritious food, through the preparation of ice cream eco-healthy handmade without artificial additives such as: flavorings, colorings and preservatives. The products are formulated with low level of sugar and low level of saturated fat. It should be emphasized that the Amazilia company will follow a circular economy model in its production chain and will promote environmental education for farming families and the residents of the area, among other activities, therefore, it will be aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG): 3, 5, 8, 12 and 13. Therefore, the research project includes the market study, the technical study, the economic analysis and the financial economic evaluation. Finally, an economic NPV of S/ 243,281, a financial NPV of S/ 185,229, an economic IRR of 59.34%, a financial IRR of 75.30%, an economic Cost-Benefit of 2.01 and financial Cost-Benefit of 2.46, based on the key indicators of profitability, it is concluded that the project is economically and financially viable.
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