Bibliographic citations
Tejeda, F., (2019). Las creencias de los docentes rurales en torno al programa de educación bilingüe intercultural del Proyecto Educativo Rural Fe y Alegría 44 (PERFAL) [Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya].
Tejeda, F., Las creencias de los docentes rurales en torno al programa de educación bilingüe intercultural del Proyecto Educativo Rural Fe y Alegría 44 (PERFAL) []. PE: Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya; 2019.
title = "Las creencias de los docentes rurales en torno al programa de educación bilingüe intercultural del Proyecto Educativo Rural Fe y Alegría 44 (PERFAL)",
author = "Tejeda Tapia, Fabián",
publisher = "Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya",
year = "2019"
The bilingual intercultural education and rural schools must be subjects of constant reflection by considering the various changes in rurality. An important actor of this process is obviously the teacher. To continue, I will present the pedagogical beliefs of rural teachers who work in the educational project of Fe y Alegria (PERFAL). Rural teachers find the basement of their tasks and professional activities in the pedagogical beliefs that they have. Now these beliefs may determine the success or failure of PERFAL'S bilingual intercultural education proposal. For this reason, this work seeks to identify those beliefs of rural teachers in order to get the best tools of analysis for a-more-adequate bilingual intercultural education proposal.
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