Bibliographic citations
Camacho, Y., (2019). Metodologías activas aplicadas al desarrollo de la pastoral educativa de un colegio particular de Huacho [Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya].
Camacho, Y., Metodologías activas aplicadas al desarrollo de la pastoral educativa de un colegio particular de Huacho []. PE: Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya; 2019.
title = "Metodologías activas aplicadas al desarrollo de la pastoral educativa de un colegio particular de Huacho",
author = "Camacho Siancas, Yuri Yubitza",
publisher = "Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya",
year = "2019"
This innovative project aims to achieve improvements in the procedures used by teachers in the Pastoral Area of a particular school of Huacho in the secondary level, applying methodological strategies enable and thus promote participation and training Christian teenage students. The authors cited in the theoretical foundation can find excellent partners for the achievement of the pastoral objectives related to the Christian formation of the students from the profile and Dominican charisma active methodological strategies. Also reaches the Church through its documents have allowed precise understanding of mission and basis of educational Ministry, and Catholic schools in the middle education in a globalized world to enter into a dialogue with him.
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