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Faustor, M., (2024). Análisis de los conceptos centrales de Nietzsche sobre el arte y la estética [Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya].
Faustor, M., Análisis de los conceptos centrales de Nietzsche sobre el arte y la estética []. PE: Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya; 2024.
title = "Análisis de los conceptos centrales de Nietzsche sobre el arte y la estética",
author = "Faustor Müller, Miguel Angel",
publisher = "Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya",
year = "2024"
Title: Análisis de los conceptos centrales de Nietzsche sobre el arte y la estética
Authors(s): Faustor Müller, Miguel Angel
Advisor(s): Mendoza Loyola, Cesar Inca
Keywords: Nietzsche, Friedrich, 1844-1900; Estética; Voluntad; Vitalismo; Análisis filosófico; Filosofía alemana moderna; Filosofía
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2024
Institution: Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya
Abstract: La presente tesis busca dar una explicación sobre la perspectiva que tenía el filósofo alemán Friedrich Nietzsche (1844 – 1900) por sobre el arte y la estética, para con esto desarrollar el análisis de tres conceptos que él proponía, tales son el eterno retorno, la transvaloración de los valores, y la voluntad de poder, entendidas desde la perspectiva estética y bajo la idea de ponerse al servicio de la vida para revitalizarla. Para esta labor el primer capítulo centra su esfuerzo en realizar un análisis y repaso por sobre el pensamiento del arte en la vida académica del filósofo alemán; el segundo capítulo, con la base del pensamiento sobre la estética que da el primero, centra su atención en la definición de cada concepción antes mencionada y brinda una lectura de cada concepción bajo la perspectiva estética; para finalizar, el tercer capítulo, condensa y sintetiza la visión estética de Nietzsche con las distintas concepciones para dar una mirada sobre la perspectiva que debe tener la vida.
The present thesis seeks to give an explanation of the perspective that the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche (1844 – 1900) had on art and aesthetics, in order to develop the analysis of three concepts that he proposed, such as eternal return, transvaluation of values, and the will to power, understood from the aesthetic perspective and under the idea of putting oneself at the service of life to revitalize it. For this work, the first chapter focuses his efforts on carrying out an analysis and review of the thought of art in the academic life of the German philosopher; The second chapter, with the basis of the thought on aesthetics given in the first, focuses its attention on the definition of each aforementioned conception and provides a reading of each conception from the aesthetic perspective; Finally, the third chapter condenses and synthesizes Nietzsche's aesthetic vision with the different conceptions to give a look at the perspective that life should have.
The present thesis seeks to give an explanation of the perspective that the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche (1844 – 1900) had on art and aesthetics, in order to develop the analysis of three concepts that he proposed, such as eternal return, transvaluation of values, and the will to power, understood from the aesthetic perspective and under the idea of putting oneself at the service of life to revitalize it. For this work, the first chapter focuses his efforts on carrying out an analysis and review of the thought of art in the academic life of the German philosopher; The second chapter, with the basis of the thought on aesthetics given in the first, focuses its attention on the definition of each aforementioned conception and provides a reading of each conception from the aesthetic perspective; Finally, the third chapter condenses and synthesizes Nietzsche's aesthetic vision with the different conceptions to give a look at the perspective that life should have.
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Discipline: Filosofía
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya. Facultad de Filosofía, Educación y Ciencias Humanas
Grade or title: Licenciado en Filosofía
Juror: Vargas Della Casa, Rosa Elvira; Caviglia Marconi, Alessandro Carlo
Register date: 10-Sep-2024
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