Bibliographic citations
Veliz, R., (2023). La vulnerabilidad humana como condición ética para la justicia social. Una revisión a partir de Martha Nussbaum y Emmanuel Lévinas [Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya].
Veliz, R., La vulnerabilidad humana como condición ética para la justicia social. Una revisión a partir de Martha Nussbaum y Emmanuel Lévinas []. PE: Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya; 2023.
title = "La vulnerabilidad humana como condición ética para la justicia social. Una revisión a partir de Martha Nussbaum y Emmanuel Lévinas",
author = "Veliz Quinto, Raul Andres",
publisher = "Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya",
year = "2023"
The present academic work tries to elucidate the formulations of Martha Nussbaum and Emmanuel Levinas about human vulnerability and how this favors the development of ethical and political formulations of contemporary philosophy, specifically for the formulations of justice. The work is based on an analysis of modern contractarian formulations, as well as the political considerations of John Rawls, an author in whom contractarian conceptions of justice are updated. By keeping these formulations in mind at the beginning of each chapter, this work separately develops Nussbaum's and Levinas's conceptions of the value of human vulnerability as a necessary ethical condition for formulations of justice. Thus, at the end of each chapter a dialogue is established on the meeting points and dilemmas on the conceptions of the authors in question. Finally, it is established that, despite belonging to different currents, with different points of view on the ethical issue around vulnerability, both authors give it an essential value for ethical and political formulations.
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