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Title: Caballo Muerto: a complex of early ceramic sites in the Moche Valley, Peru
Other Titles: Caballo muerto: un complejo de primeros sitios de cerámica en el valle de Moche, Perú
OCDE field: http://purl.org/pe-repo/ocde/ford#5.04.03
Issue Date: 1976
Institution: University of Texas at Austin
Abstract: El autor llevó a cabo excavaciones arqueológicas en los ocho montículos del complejo Caballo Muerto, que datan entre 1500 y 400 a.n.e. Un montículo, Huaca de los Reyes, contiene elaborados patrones de acceso arquitectónico y más de 20 frisos de adobe. El examen de los patrones de acceso y la distribución de los frisos en Huaca de los Reyes sugiere que el acceso dentro del sitio estaba restringido y que los frisos cada vez más ornamentados eran accesibles para los visitantes cada vez más privilegiados.

This dissertation is an exploration of monuments at Caballo Muerto in the Moche Valley, comparing them with others from sites throughout the rivers valleys of the north coast—including discussion of the symbiotic relationship between coastal and inland sites—and with the site of Chavín de Huantar in the highlands of Peru. Structures described for Caballo Muerto are Huaca de Los Reyes, Huaca Cortada, Huaca Curaca, Huaca Herederos Chica, Huaca Herederos Grande, and Hall of the Niches, and an ancient road. Additional monuments in the complex date to after the Initial period. Excavations were undertaken at many in order to clarify their construction sequence and absolute chronology. Social organization is discussed as it pertains to the labor involved in construction. Friezes found on the monuments are compared to other, contemporary friezes, with interpretation of their significance in religious observances. Some friezes were located where they could be seen by large gatherings in the plazas, while others were intended to be viewed only by smaller, more restricted groups. There is a sequence of increasingly restricted spaces as one proceeds into the monuments; additional indication of the existence of privileged elites.
Discipline: Ciencias sociales
Grade or title grantor: University of Texas at Austin
Grade or title: Doctor en Antropología
Register date: 18-Feb-2020

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