Bibliographic citations
Chávez, J., Ruiz, S. (2021). Hábitos alimentarios, estado emocional, actividad física y estado nutricional en estudiantes de bromatología y nutrición humana, sometidos a aislamiento social obligatorio. 2020 [Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana].
Chávez, J., Ruiz, S. Hábitos alimentarios, estado emocional, actividad física y estado nutricional en estudiantes de bromatología y nutrición humana, sometidos a aislamiento social obligatorio. 2020 []. PE: Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana; 2021.
title = "Hábitos alimentarios, estado emocional, actividad física y estado nutricional en estudiantes de bromatología y nutrición humana, sometidos a aislamiento social obligatorio. 2020",
author = "Ruiz Saldaña, Sonia Esthefany",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana",
year = "2021"
This research seeks to determine the eating habits, emotional state, physical activity and nutritional status in Bromatology and Human Nutrition students of the National University of the Peruvian Amazon subjected to compulsory social isolation as a result of COVID-19. The study has a non-experimental quantitative approach, with a descriptive, correlational and cross-sectional design. The study population comprised 88 students from the last levels of study; 68 of the feminine sex and 20 of the masculine sex. Surveys on eating habits, physical activity, emotional state and nutritional state previously validated, were sent via internet, likewise the form for taking anthropometric data with the corresponding instructions was sent; The processed data reported that the eating habits of the students are 73.9% inappropriate and 26.2% adequate, depression levels are normal in 78.4% normal, mild depression in 21.6%, with anxiety levels of 83.% normal and 17% mild, had a physical activity of 20.5% mild, 64.8% moderate and 14.7% intense; The students showed a nutritional status according to the BMI of 2.3% of thinness, 53.4% normal, 31.8% of overweight and obesity of 12.5%, according to the PA 55.7% of low risk, 28.4% of high risk and 15.9% of very high risk According to the PCT there are 1.2% mild malnutrition, 42% normal, 22.7% overweight and 34.1% obese, according to the CMB 1.1% mild malnutrition, 43.2% normal, 273% overweight and 284% obese and according to the CM 19.3% have a thin constitution, 45.5% normal constitution and 35.2% have a robust constitution. There is a significant correlation of eating habits with BMI, BP, PCT, WBC in both sexes; BP had a significant relationship with eating habits, emotional state and physical activity.
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