Bibliographic citations
Córdova, E., (2021). Identificación de hongos basidiomicetos en diferentes sustratos de un bosque degradado en el Ciefor Puerto Almendra, Loreto, Perú, 2021” [Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana].
Córdova, E., Identificación de hongos basidiomicetos en diferentes sustratos de un bosque degradado en el Ciefor Puerto Almendra, Loreto, Perú, 2021” []. PE: Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana; 2021.
title = "Identificación de hongos basidiomicetos en diferentes sustratos de un bosque degradado en el Ciefor Puerto Almendra, Loreto, Perú, 2021”",
author = "Córdova Pisco, Erik Duvalier",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana",
year = "2021"
The research work was carried out between February 2021 and June 2021, within a degraded forest located in the facilities of CIEFOR Puerto Almendra, with the objective of Identify basidiomycete fungi that develop on different substrates of a degraded forest in CIEFOR Puerto Almendra. Assessments of basidiomycete fungi were conducted every 8 days (4 samples per month) over a 4-month period, within an area of four hectares of land subdivided into 4 plots. The count of basidiomycetes fungus was given by direct observation, for the collection of fungi a field data record was used where the most relevant characteristics were noted. The samples were transported in plastic bottles and manila folders and carried out at the UNAP Forest Pathology Laboratory. The identification of the samples was carried out through comparisons of the mycological forms existing on the website of the cultural association “Baxauri” Kulturur Elkartea. Mikología Bajauri, the Allpahuayo-Mishana mushroom identification guide (Mori et al. 2011) and taxonomic keys of: Gepp (2009). Within the study area, three main substrates were obtained preferably, with 26 lignicultural species, 10 folkfish species and 5 terricultural species recorded. A total of 41 species of basidiomycete fungi were identified. Within the study area, three main substrates were obtained preferably, with 26 lignicultural species, 10 folkfish species and 5 terricultural species recorded. A total of 41 species of basidiomycete fungi were identified.
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