Bibliographic citations
Tapia, R., (2019). Nivel de conocimiento y actitud frente a la vacuna contra el virus del papiloma humano en estudiantes del quinto de primaria. Institución Educativa Mateo Pumacahua, Sicuani, Cusco 2018 [Tesis, Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Tapia, R., Nivel de conocimiento y actitud frente a la vacuna contra el virus del papiloma humano en estudiantes del quinto de primaria. Institución Educativa Mateo Pumacahua, Sicuani, Cusco 2018 [Tesis]. : Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2019.
title = "Nivel de conocimiento y actitud frente a la vacuna contra el virus del papiloma humano en estudiantes del quinto de primaria. Institución Educativa Mateo Pumacahua, Sicuani, Cusco 2018",
author = "Tapia Condori, Rene",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2019"
The present research thesis entitled: “LEVEL OF KNOWLEDGE AND ATTITUDE AGAINST THE VACCINE AGAINST THE VIRUS OF HUMAN PAPILOMA IN STUDENTS OF THE FIFTH. OF PRIMARY. MATEO PUMACAHUA EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE, SICUANI, CUSCO 2018“, had as objective: To determine the Level of knowledge and attitude towards the vaccine against the human papillomavirus in students of the fifth of primary. Mateo Pumacahua Educational Institution, Sicuani, Cusco 2018. The design was: descriptive and transversal type. Results: It was found that 70.2% have 10 years 88.3% come from the urban area, 69.1% comes from a nuclear family, 55.3% received information about human papilloma virus, 58.5% received information about the human papilloma virus vaccine and 52.1% received information about cervical cancer. The level of knowledge about the vaccine against human papillomavirus is bad with 39.40%, good with 35.10% regular with 25.50%, 73.30% of students know that the papillomavirus vaccine human is used to prevent cervical cancer, 74.40% know that only women should receive the human papillomavirus vaccine, 80.90% know that the vaccine is applied by means of an injection, 68.10% knows that one effect of the vaccine is mild pain in the shoulder. Regarding the attitude of students against the vaccine against human papillomavirus, it is accepted by 60.6% of the students interviewed, in 39.4% they have an attitude of indifference.
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