Bibliographic citations
Carrasco, S., Gonzales, S. (2015). Estrategias aplicadas para el manejo de la mortalidad materna, en la micro red de Pampaphalla Cusco 2010-2014. [Tesis, Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Carrasco, S., Gonzales, S. Estrategias aplicadas para el manejo de la mortalidad materna, en la micro red de Pampaphalla Cusco 2010-2014. [Tesis]. : Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2015.
title = "Estrategias aplicadas para el manejo de la mortalidad materna, en la micro red de Pampaphalla Cusco 2010-2014.",
author = "Gonzales Aparicio, Shirley Guisella",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2015"
Descriptive research, cross-sectional, retrospective, Mixed. Describes what are the strategies applied in the Micro Pampaphalla Network and its result in the management of the maternal mortality of the 2010-2014? He had as specific objectives: Determine the general characteristics of the strategies applied in the Micro Pampaphalla Network. Identify the strategies that are applied in the Micro Pampaphalla Network addressed to the management of Maternal Mortality. Identify the evolution of Maternal Mortality from the application of intervention strategies in the Micro Pampaphalla Network in the years 2010 - 2014. Analyze the results of the application of intervention strategies on the indicators of Maternal Mortality. According to the evolution of maternal mortality, the Micro Pampaphalla network from the application of intervention strategies, it is noted that there were three maternal deaths during the 2010 Uscupata, 2012 and 2013 Uscupata Phinaya. According to the total results of the application of intervention strategies on the indicators of maternal mortality, it is noted that in the Health Post in Pampaphalla, are applied in a 75 %, in the Health Post in Uscupata applies by 70 %, in the Health Post Quehuar with a 61 %, in the Health Post in the Florida applies by 75 %, in the Health Post in San Pedro are applied in a 66 %.
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