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Cusipaucar, H., Condori, P. (2023). Sucesión intestada notarial y preterición de herederos forzosos, Cusco, 2020 – 2021 [Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Cusipaucar, H., Condori, P. Sucesión intestada notarial y preterición de herederos forzosos, Cusco, 2020 – 2021 []. PE: Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2023.
title = "Sucesión intestada notarial y preterición de herederos forzosos, Cusco, 2020 – 2021",
author = "Condori Chara, Pilar Paulina",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2023"
Title: Sucesión intestada notarial y preterición de herederos forzosos, Cusco, 2020 – 2021
Advisor(s): Delgado Montaño, Mario Miguel
Keywords: Sucesión intestada; Preterición; Heredero forzoso
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 21-Aug-2023
Institution: Universidad Andina del Cusco
Abstract: El presente estudio tiene como finalidad explicar la relación de la sucesión intestada y la
preterición de herederos forzosos en el departamento del Cusco, 2020 – 2021, siendo
necesario, determinar las causas que acrecientan la preterición de herederos forzosos en
la sucesión intestada notarial, identificar las consecuencias de la preterición de herederos
forzosos en la sucesión intestada notarial, y, sugerir mecanismos para evitar y/o disminuir
la preterición de herederos forzosos en la tramitación de sucesiones intestadas. Materiales
y métodos, es un estudio de tipo dogmático, analítico propositivo, donde se analizará la
problemática mediante la aplicación de entrevistas a expertos y fichas de guías de
preguntas para las entrevistas, las mismas que nos permitieron determinar la relación de
la sucesión intestada y la preterición de herederos forzosos en el departamento del Cusco.
Se trabajó con una muestra de 12 expertos en la materia, donde los resultados de las
entrevistas respaldan las conclusiones arribadas en la presente investigación. Conclusión,
se logró demostrar que la relación que existe entre la sucesión intestada y la preterición,
se da en el trámite notarial de sucesión intestada por uno o alguno de los herederos que
no menciona la existencia de otros; esta relación refleja la alta probabilidad de esconder
información respecto de la existencia de herederos forzosos, aprovechando la ausencia de
mecanismos de contingencia en la ficha de identificación Reniec, evidenciando la mala
fe de los herederos solicitantes para acceder a un fin económico, es por ello que se da la
figura de preterición; produciendo una vulneración de los derechos de los herederos
forzosos no reconocidos.
The present study aims to explain the relationship between intestate succession and the preterition of forced heirs in the department of Cusco, 2020 - 2021, being necessary to determine the causes that increase the preterition of forced heirs in notarial intestate succession, to identify the consequences of the preterition of forced heirs in notarial intestate succession, and to suggest mechanisms to avoid and/or decrease the preterition of forced heirs in the processing of intestate successions. Materials and methods, it is a dogmatic, analytical and propositional study, where the problem will be analyzed through the application of interviews to experts and question guide cards for the interviews, which allowed us to determine the relationship between intestate succession and the preterition of forced heirs in the department of Cusco. We worked with a sample of 12 experts in the field, where the results of the surveys and observation form harmonized with the conclusions reached in this research. Conclusion, it was possible to demonstrate that the relationship that exists between intestate succession and preterition occurs in the notarial process of intestate succession by one or some of the heirs who does not mention the existence of others; This relationship reflects the high probability of hiding information regarding the existence of forced heirs, taking advantage of the absence of contingency mechanisms in the Reniec identification card, evidencing the bad faith of the applicant heirs to access an economic purpose, which is why the figure of preterition occurs; producing a violation of the rights of unrecognized forced heirs.
The present study aims to explain the relationship between intestate succession and the preterition of forced heirs in the department of Cusco, 2020 - 2021, being necessary to determine the causes that increase the preterition of forced heirs in notarial intestate succession, to identify the consequences of the preterition of forced heirs in notarial intestate succession, and to suggest mechanisms to avoid and/or decrease the preterition of forced heirs in the processing of intestate successions. Materials and methods, it is a dogmatic, analytical and propositional study, where the problem will be analyzed through the application of interviews to experts and question guide cards for the interviews, which allowed us to determine the relationship between intestate succession and the preterition of forced heirs in the department of Cusco. We worked with a sample of 12 experts in the field, where the results of the surveys and observation form harmonized with the conclusions reached in this research. Conclusion, it was possible to demonstrate that the relationship that exists between intestate succession and preterition occurs in the notarial process of intestate succession by one or some of the heirs who does not mention the existence of others; This relationship reflects the high probability of hiding information regarding the existence of forced heirs, taking advantage of the absence of contingency mechanisms in the Reniec identification card, evidencing the bad faith of the applicant heirs to access an economic purpose, which is why the figure of preterition occurs; producing a violation of the rights of unrecognized forced heirs.
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Discipline: Derecho
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Andina del Cusco. Facultad de Derecho y Ciencia Política
Grade or title: Abogada
Juror: Martiarena Gutierrez, Leoncio; Ortiz Diaz, Renzo Guillermo; Avendaño Uchuya, Oswalt Nestor; Mendoza Delgado, Mauro
Register date: 11-Dec-2023
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