Bibliographic citations
Mamani, M., (2018). Cadena de valor en el departamento de emergencias y cuidados críticos del Hospital Regional del Cusco en el año 2018. [Tesis, Universidad Andina del Cusco].
Mamani, M., Cadena de valor en el departamento de emergencias y cuidados críticos del Hospital Regional del Cusco en el año 2018. [Tesis]. : Universidad Andina del Cusco; 2018.
title = "Cadena de valor en el departamento de emergencias y cuidados críticos del Hospital Regional del Cusco en el año 2018.",
author = "Mamani Condori, Malú Heraldine",
publisher = "Universidad Andina del Cusco",
year = "2018"
The present research work was carried out with the objective of describing the Value Chain in the Emergency and Critical Care Department at the Regional Hospital of Cusco. For the development of this thesis, it was intended to know all the activities and functions performed within the Emergency and Critical Care Department of the Regional Hospital of Cusco, in order to identify the main problems that arise. The research has as variable the VALUE CHAIN, a strategic analysis and management tool that helps determine the fundamentals of the institution's competitive advantage, considering its respective dimensions: Primary Activities and within it the sub dimensions: Logistics, Operations and Service ; and the second dimension Support Activities within it the sub dimensions: Technology Development, Human Resource Management and Enterprise Infrastructure. This research is basic and not experimental, for which the survey technique was used by means of the instrument that is the questionnaire with 67 items, to the 90 workers of the Department of Emergencies and Critical Care of the Regional Hospital of Cusco. According to the results obtained, for the Primary Activities dimension the average is 2.14, which means that it is moderately adequate, for the Support Activities dimension an average of 1.65 was obtained, which means that it is inadequate in consequence for the variable Chain of Applied value for the research study in the Department of Emergencies and Critical Care of the Regional Hospital of Cusco, an average of 1.90 was obtained, we can conclude with this index that the value chain is moderately adequate. This study is of great importance for the Department of Emergencies and Critical Care of the Regional Hospital of Cusco because through this VALUE CHAIN tool it was possible to identify the main problems; so that these can be corrected to obtain a better service and create a competitive advantage.
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