Bibliographic citations
Cuba, L., Ochoa, V. (2021). Implementación de una clínica de cirugía de día en el distrito de Los Olivos [Trabajo de investigación, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)].
Cuba, L., Ochoa, V. Implementación de una clínica de cirugía de día en el distrito de Los Olivos [Trabajo de investigación]. PE: Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC); 2021.
title = "Implementación de una clínica de cirugía de día en el distrito de Los Olivos",
author = "Ochoa Cholán, Verónica Isidora",
publisher = "Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)",
year = "2021"
Day Surgery has multiple advantages such as achieving a better surgical schedule, patients returning to their usual activities early, reducing health costs, maintaining quality of care and safety for patients. Before the COVID Pandemic, there was already a prolonged Surgical Waiting List (LEQ) not managed in public hospitals and now, due to the Pandemic, the LEQ has been extended more, which is why patients go to private centers for fear of being infected by COVID and also to avoid complications derived from postponement of surgery. This being our window of opportunity, the " Implementation of a day surgery clinic in the district of Los Olivos", whose value proposition is "Offer a Comprehensive Management for the Service of Day Surgery and Procedures in an Efficient, Safe and of Superior Quality through Surgical Packages in the Los Olivos District from 12 noon for 365 days”, ensuring discharge the same day. We have carried out an exhaustive analysis of profitability, under a conservative scenario of demand estimated at 50% in the first 4 years, then at 70% in the next 4 years and in the last two years it was estimated to reach 90% of maximum installed capacity, obtaining a NPV (Net Present Value) of 24.7 million soles and an IRR (Internal Rate of Return) of 33% in the tenth year, therefore our project is viable.
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