Bibliographic citations
Rodriguez, L., (2022). Características geológicas y estructurales de los tipos de mineralización metálica en la zona norte de la Cordillera Oriental del Perú [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería].
Rodriguez, L., Características geológicas y estructurales de los tipos de mineralización metálica en la zona norte de la Cordillera Oriental del Perú [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería; 2022.
title = "Características geológicas y estructurales de los tipos de mineralización metálica en la zona norte de la Cordillera Oriental del Perú",
author = "Rodriguez Barrionuevo, Luis Alberto",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería",
year = "2022"
This work has a regional context, where the relationship and characteristics between the gold mineralization and the granite bodies located in the study area are exposed in a descriptive and interpretive way, observing that the mineralization not only occurs in the Batolith of Pataz, but also in metamorphic rocks of the Marañón Complex and in volcanic rocks of the Lavasen Formation, which have good characteristics to be good mineralization receptors, as well as intrusives younger than the Pataz Batholith that are also favorable to mineralization. The types of mineral deposits are varied, having metothermal veins, Cu-Au porphyries, epithermal deposits and skarn-type mineralization; All these genetically related occurrences related to hydrothermal fluids from intrusive rocks generated by magmas of granite composition and to tectonism occurred in different structural events of extension and understanding, forming shear zones in raised and sunken blocks, which have controlled their location and channeled the hydrothermal fluids. Taking lithological recognition as a priority, it has been inferred based on geochronological dating and their relationship with stratigraphic sequences, that there are intrusives of different ages and that due to the quaternary coverage it is difficult to determine the contact between them. Using existing information from INGEMMET, satellite images, data collected in the field through lithological recognition and little- known mineralization evidences that have been exploited by hand, a geomorphological, stratigraphic interpretation and elaboration of geological-structural models has been carried out. In this mining corridor, which are graphically documented in maps and complementary illustrations that are presented in this work.
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